Drugs and Alcohol Research Network
About Us
DARN provides a hub for researchers, policy-makers and practitioners engaged in research on drugs and alcohol.
The network acts a an inter-disciplinary forum where findings from areas as diverse as social work, public health, education, economics, sociology, psychology, law and pharmacy can be shared.
The aim is to devlop a national and global informed research base on drugs and alcohol issues.
Our Mission
To provide a leading edge one stop venue for all researchers, policy-makers and practitioners in Northern Ireland who together aspire to make a difference in developing an informed research agenda on alcohol and drug use.
News and Events

Contact Us
Drugs and Alcohol Research Network
School of Social Sciences, Education and Social Work
Queen's University Belfast,
6 College Park
Northern Ireland
E-mail: ssesw@qub.ac.uk
Tel:+44 (0)28 9097 5117