Queen’s University announces further COVID-19 measures
In order to alleviate some pressure and anxiety for students in what are unprecedented times with the outbreak of COVID-19, Queen’s University has announced a number of measures today.

To continue to support our students, Queen’s has decided that those currently living in the University’s residences and who wish to return home, can terminate their accommodation contracts from 27 March at no financial penalty. Our accommodation remains open for those students who wish to remain. A student hardship fund is available for students, including those living in private accommodation who also need support.
The University has also decided that all formal examinations scheduled to take place on campus over the forthcoming weeks will not go ahead. The University is arranging alternative methods of assessment and students will be contacted on an individual basis with more details.
In recognition of the unique circumstances and recent announcements regarding A-level and equivalent exams this Summer, applicants for the 2020/21 academic year will be admitted on the basis of academic data available to date and projected future performance.
We hope that these measures, combined with the action taken to date, will limit the spread of COVID-19 in our community and help reduce anxiety in these difficult times.
For further information and to keep up to date please visit the University’s FAQS page at: https://www.qub.ac.uk/home/coronavirus-faqs/
Media contact: comms.office@qub.ac.uk or 028 9097 3091.