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Are you a journalist looking for an academic to provide expert commentary/analysis for a news story/documentary?
This experts directory is a searchable database of Queen’s academics who are interested in talking to the media about their areas of expertise.
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Professor Máire O’Neill is a leading cybersecurity expert. Maire is a UK Female Inventor of the Year, was the youngest Irish Academy fellow and youngest-ever engineering professor at Queen’s University Belfast.
Expertise: Cyber Security, Cryptography, Hardware Security, Data Security, Internet of Things

Professor Chris Elliott is a leading expert on international food supply chains and the implications for food quality, authenticity, integrity and safety.
Expertise: food fraud, food security, supply chains, food integrity

Professor Meharg has gained a worldwide reputation for his research into a global food problem – the high levels of toxic arsenic in rice, the staple diet of half the world’s population.
Expertise: Food security, contaminants in food

Professor Michael Semple works on innovative approaches to peace-making and engagement with militant Islamic movements in Afghanistan and South Asia.
Expertise: Afghanistan, Pakistan, Taliban, terrorism, conflict resolution

Senior diplomat who served as UK Consul-General in Hong Kong (2016-20) and Ambassador to Myanmar (2009-13).
Expertise: Hong Kong; Hong Kong Protests; Sino-British Joint Declaration; Hong Kong National Security Law; Myanmar (Burma); Aung San Suu Kyi; Rohingya; China foreign policy; US/China relations; Popular uprisings; sanctions policy; UK Foreign Policy; diplomacy

Professor Neil Robertson produces Artificial Intelligence for the real world.
Expertise: Face recognition, visual security, artificial intelligence