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Sohar University Oman and Orpic visit Queen’s University Belfast
20 July, 2018

Representatives from Sohar University Oman, and Orpic visited Queen’s University Belfast today to discuss potential collaboration projects with the Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences.

China Summer School Delegates outside the Whitla Hall
1 August, 2018

Around 200 students from seven institutions in China have arrived at Queen’s for a summer school with the Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences.

Two scholarships are being offered to provide the opportunity for any level 2 UG student from across the Faculty of EPS to study at Beijing Institute of Technology for 1 year.

4 December, 2019

A group of seven students from Tezpur in the Assam region of India have travelled to Queen’s University Belfast to begin a new chapter of their lives after they were awarded government of India sponsored places to complete their PhDs.

EPS in the News
News around the Faculty
Profs Gemma Catney & Christopher Lloyd celebrating their appointment to the Academy of Social Sciences
Staff Recognition | 9 September, 2024

Two academics from Queen’s University have been elected as Fellows of the prestigious Academy of Social Sciences.

20 August, 2024

New findings from researchers at Queen’s University Belfast reveal that the late phase of a solar flare has a greater potential to disrupt Earth's communication systems than previously understood.

Research News | 26 July, 2024

A project to transform navigational tools on aircraft, submarines and autonomous vehicles is to go ahead at Queen’s University Belfast as part of a £160 million investment in ‘quantum’ technologies across the UK, it was announced today.

24 July, 2024

Across the world, farmers and governments are under growing pressure to address emissions from livestock, leading to calls to reduce livestock numbers.

22 July, 2024

Planetary Astronomers at Queen’s University Belfast have conducted a study to uncover one of the Solar Systems biggest mysteries; what happened to Chiron?

STAFF HONOURS | 9 July, 2024

Professor Steven Bell and George Burton from the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, have both won prestigious prizes from the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) – the only two awarded on the island of Ireland this year.

GRADUATION | 2 July, 2024

In 2014, the Maths and Physics department at Queen’s introduced its first industry-based Engineering Doctorate (EngD) programme, in partnership with the University of Glasgow, Seagate Technologies. and the Irish Photonic Integration Centre.

A student pictured in her graduation gown outside university building looking at the camera
GRADUATION | 28 June, 2024

Caitlin Chee is graduating today with a Master’s in Product Design Engineering following a North American adventure on leadership and research programmes.

HEALTH | 25 June, 2024

A new study published today highlights how a collaborative data science approach is revolutionising cancer research across the island of Ireland.


Construction has started on a state-of-the-art Factory of the Future at Global Point in Newtownabbey led by Queen’s University Belfast, which is key to an exciting future for advanced manufacturing in Northern Ireland.

A female student working in a lab
Public Event | 27 May, 2024

What is good science? And what is ethical research? A panel discussion at Queen’s University Belfast aims to address those very questions at an event open to the public.

16 May, 2024

CSIT, the UK’s Innovation and Knowledge Centre for cyber security, and Rapid7, a leader in extended risk and threat detection, announced today a new security research partnership to drive innovation in cloud security.

16 May, 2024

Queen's is at the centre of plans to harvest solar power in space to produce a potentially endless supply of net-zero energy and help turn around the world’s climate crisis.

CITIZEN SCIENCE | 25 April, 2024

Eagle-eyed, armchair astronomers have almost certainly made a number of thrilling discoveries, including two possible Jupiter-sized ‘exoplanets’ – planets outside our solar system – in an international, citizen-science project run out of Queen's

INVESTMENT | 28 March, 2024

Invest Northern Ireland and the Department for the Economy today announced the £16.3M investment in new, state-of-the-art AI Collaboration Centre (AICC), to be based at Ulster University in partnership with Queen's University Belfast.

27 March, 2024

Visitors flocked to Belfast's Botanic Gardens for an Open Day to mark the next stage of the UPSURGE sustainability project - a partnership between Queen's University, Belfast City Council (BCC) and community group Friends of the Field (FOTF).

Sustainability | 21 March, 2024

Recycling waste energy from High-Performance Computing (HPC) to heat hospitals, homes and schools is just one of the many ideas behind a radical, new project led by Queen’s University Belfast.

Research Investment | 14 March, 2024

Queen’s is one of two academic leads on a highly prestigious, £8 million, UK initiative to train an expert workforce to deliver secure networks in the AI era.

CyberNI Week | 8 March, 2024

The Centre for Secure Information Technologies (CSIT) at Queen's welcomed a visit from Steve Baker MP (Minister of State for NI) and Viscount Camrose MP (Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for AI and Intellectual Property) to mark CyberNI Week.

UNIVERSITY NEWS | 13 February, 2024

Upcycled tea leaves have been found to absorb Chromium, found in wastewater from the electroplating, leather tanning, and textile industries.

SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY | 13 February, 2024

Previously unknown properties of the precious metal gold and its melting point have been uncovered by an international team of scientists led by Queen’s University Belfast.

OUTREACH | 9 February, 2024

Members of the public will be able to get their hands dirty as part of an exciting three-year programme of community archaeological activity, launched at Queen’s University Belfast.

Lanyon with blue flowers to the left
Strategic Alliance | 23 January, 2024

Queen’s and Purdue University have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), initiating a strategic collaboration focused on research and academic exchange. This partnership aims to enhance learning and technological advancements in key sectors.

A supernova event in space
Research News | 17 January, 2024

An international group of astronomers, including a team led by Queen’s, has found a direct link between the explosive deaths of massive stars and the formation of the most compact and enigmatic objects in the Universe — black holes and neutron stars.

11 January, 2024

Drug overdose prevention centres (OPCs) could prevent thousands of deaths, reduce the spread of serious disease, improve communities, save taxpayer money and with no increase in drug-related crime – according to a major new report