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Postgraduate Programme Specification

PgCert Audiovisual Post-Production

Academic Year 2022/23

A programme specification is required for any programme on which a student may be registered. All programmes of the University are subject to the University's Quality Assurance processes. All degrees are awarded by Queen's University Belfast.

Programme Title PgCert Audiovisual Post-Production Final Award
(exit route if applicable for Postgraduate Taught Programmes)
Postgraduate Certificate
Programme Code BCP-PC-AV UCAS Code HECoS Code 101214 - Cinematics - 100

ATAS Clearance Required


Health Check Required


Portfolio Required


Interview Required

An interview is not required but all applicants will be required to submit a completed video in any style, genre or form (up to 3 mins duration) demonstrating their prior experience of creating audio-visual media.

Mode of Study Full Time
Type of Programme Postgraduate Length of Programme Full Time - 10 Weeks
Total Credits for Programme 60
Exit Awards available No

Institute Information

Teaching Institution

Queen's University Belfast


Arts, English and Languages

Quality Code

Higher Education Credit Framework for England

Level 7

Subject Benchmark Statements

The Frameworks for Higher Education Qualifications of UK Degree-Awarding Bodies

Communication, Media, Film and Cultural Studies (2019)

Accreditations (PSRB)

No accreditations (PSRB) found.

Regulation Information

Does the Programme have any approved exemptions from the University General Regulations
(Please see General Regulations)


Programme Specific Regulations

The Postgraduate Certificate Audiovisual Post-production will be subject to the guidelines presented in the Study Regulations for Postgraduate Taught Regulations.
Students must pass all taught modules of the programme to be eligible for the award of a PG Cert.

Students with protected characteristics


Are students subject to Fitness to Practise Regulations

(Please see General Regulations)


Educational Aims Of Programme

The Programme aims to:

•Provide students with core skills and critical approaches to current industry standard postproduction principles, techniques and workflows
•Encourage students to problem solve and make informed creative decisions in the area of audiovisual postproduction
•Provide a critical awareness of current industry practices
•Provide students with appropriate skills and knowledge to work independently and with initiative
•Foster a stimulating and supportive learning environment which promotes intellectual, professional and personal development
•Encourage and support advanced level practical, analytic and critical thinking skills

Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcomes: Cognitive Skills

On the completion of this course successful students will be able to:

Demonstrate advanced skills in critical evaluation, logic and reasoning.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This cognitive skill runs throughout the programme.

Class room teaching in addition to discussion, assigned academic reading and viewing and feedback on creative and critical summative assessment will provide opportunities for students to hone these skills.

Methods of Assessment

This skill is assessed in all three modules of the programme.

There are two summative assessments on each of the three modules for this programme; a practical project and a learning journal. Both of these assessments afford students the opportunities to demonstrates these cognitive skills.

Devise strategies for the formulation of solutions appropriate to their area of specialism.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This subject specific cognitive skill is also apparent across the programme.

Online teaching and learning sessions combined with weekly reading will provide students with key information and subject specific knowledge to facilitate the crafting of appropriate creative solution.

Oral and written feedback on formative assessments will allow students to reflect on and improve their choice of solutions in their final submissions.

Methods of Assessment

The ability to formulate appropriate solutions is assessed in each module.
Students submit a final summative practical project demonstrating their creative solutions. This is bolstered by critical reflection on their process of reaching these solutions.

Demonstrate an ability to undertake independent enquiry.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Students will be required to show a capacity for independent learning and investigation on all three modules by undertaking classroom tasks and submitting a final individual practical project and learning journal.

Methods of Assessment

This skill is assessed in all three modules of the programme through the use of a final practical project and accompanying learning journal.

Learning Outcomes: Knowledge & Understanding

On the completion of this course successful students will be able to:

Demonstrate level appropriate knowledge of audiovisual postproduction processes.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This subject specific knowledge will be conveyed through online teaching, class discussion and through the undertaking of practical exercises.

Methods of Assessment

The two forms of assessment on each module will demonstrate this skill. The final practical submission will indicate appropriate knowledge and the learning journal will reflect on this knowledge.

Make critical judgements in the understanding and evaluation of current industry standard postproduction aesthetics and processes.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This learning outcome will be addressed through online teaching strategies. The critical lecture portion of the online class, combined with class discussion and practical workshops will facilitate this.

Methods of Assessment

Understanding and evaluation of current industry standard postproduction aesthetics and processes in the area of postproduction will be illustrated through critical judgement displayed in the practical assessments on all module, in addition to informed reflection in learning journals.

Consider and evaluate their own work in a reflexive manner, with reference to academic codes of practice and/or professional conventions.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Guided preparation of learning journals, written instructions, class discussion of practical assessments and summative feedback will facilitate successful delivery of this learning outcome.

Methods of Assessment

The critical reflective learning journals required on all three modules will assess this learning outcome.

Develop, as appropriate, specific proficiencies in using a range of current and emergent media technologies.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Technical workshops facilitated by industry professionals will allow for the development of these proficiencies.

Methods of Assessment

Appropriate proficiencies in postproduction processes for contemporary broadcast or web-based streaming will be indicated through the final practical projects on all modules.

Learning Outcomes: Subject Specific

On the completion of this course successful students will be able to:

Demonstrate level appropriate skills in the use of industry standard audiovisual postproduction software.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Subject specific skills run throughout this programme of study.

Virtual class room teaching and technical instruction from industry professionals combined with discussion and feedback on creative and critical formative assessment will provide students these subject specific skills.

Methods of Assessment

These subject specific skills will be exemplified through all practical summative assessments on this programme.

Demonstrate specific knowledge of key current technical editing, postproduction sound and outputting processes.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Again, this will be subject specific knowledge will be demonstrated through virtual class room teaching and technical instruction on all three modules.

Methods of Assessment

The practical projects and learning journals on all three modules will demonstrate this subject specific learning outcome.

Demonstrate specific knowledge of standard deliverables formats for contemporary broadcast or web-based streaming in line with current industry good practice.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This specific knowledge will be imparted through virtual teaching and instruction from industry professionals currently employed in the area of postproduction on the Deliverables module.

Methods of Assessment

The final practical submission and learning journal will display all students to meet this learning outcome.

Exhibit an enhanced critical awareness of contemporary postproduction workflows.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This subject specific skill will be covered on all three modules.

Virtual class room teaching and technical instruction from industry professionals combined with discussion and feedback on creative and critical summative assessment will provide students these subject specific skills.

Methods of Assessment

Critical learning journals and practical projects will assess student learning.

Demonstrate the critical capacity to explore hardware and software solutions to problem solve editing and postproduction sound scenarios as they arise.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This will be facilitated through independent enquiry while undertaking practical exercises in conjunction with virtual teaching and class room technical support.

Methods of Assessment

This will be assessed through the final practical projects and critical reflections in the learning journals across all three modules.

Demonstrate enhanced skills in the organisation of material and the presentation of informed creative decisions in the area of postproduction.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Acquisition of these skills will be expressly explored in the editing and postproduction sound module through class teaching, technical instruction and discussion of case studies and technical exercises.

Methods of Assessment

As with the previous subject specific learning outcomes, this will be assessed through the final practical projects and critical reflections in the learning journals on both the editing and postproduction sound module.

Learning Outcomes: Transferable Skills

On the completion of this course successful students will be able to:

Demonstrate enhanced skills to work independently, creatively and with initiative.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

These transferrable skills are developed and enhanced in all taught modules.
Independent learning and development of core postproduction skills is expected in advance of and during each module.

Methods of Assessment

All summative and formative assessments are conducted on an individual basis.

Ability to organise and manage supervised, self-directed written and practical media projects

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Time management and managing the balance and competing priorities in studying for this certificate will challenge the students.
Teaching will be delivered online and students will be expected undertake and manage their independent learning and skills development

Methods of Assessment

This will be demonstrated through submission of formative and summative practical and written assessments.

Deliver work to a given length, format, brief and deadline, properly referencing sources and ideas

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This is a vital transferrable skill which will be stressed in sessions delivered by industry professionals and in guidance provided for assessments.

Methods of Assessment

Students will demonstrate these skills in both their practical and written assessments.

Use a variety of computer-based skills ranging from basic competencies to digital multimedia processes.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

The use of computers is central to the success of this programme. The university will provide licences for industry standard postproduction licences to all students so that they can receive technical instruction, participate in class exercises and undertake summative and formative assessment.

Further to this, students will have opportunities to use the full range of Office 365 and the university’s VLE in order to access module learning material.

Methods of Assessment

Competencies in this area will be demonstrated through successful online submission of final practical projects on all three modules produced using industry standard postproduction software and learning journal produced using online module learning materials and relevant word processing software.

Module Information

Stages and Modules

Module Title Module Code Level/ stage Credits


Duration Pre-requisite


S1 S2 Core Option Coursework % Practical % Examination %
Post Production Sound BCP7010 7 20 -- YES 10 weeks N YES -- 100% 0% 0%
Editing BCP7009 7 20 -- YES 10 weeks N YES -- 100% 0% 0%
Deliverables BCP7008 7 20 -- YES 10 weeks N YES -- 100% 0% 0%


* The delivery of the programme does not follow the traditional semester set-up as is used for UG and PGT programmes. Due to the terms of the contract with Department for the Economy and delivery to individuals impacted by Covid-19, teaching must be delivered by the end of March.