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Undergraduate Programme Specification

BSc Architecture

Academic Year 2024/25

A programme specification is required for any programme on which a student may be registered. All programmes of the University are subject to the University's Quality Assurance processes. All degrees are awarded by Queen's University Belfast.

Programme Title BSc Architecture Final Award
(exit route if applicable for Postgraduate Taught Programmes)
Bachelor of Science
Programme Code ARC-BSC-S UCAS Code K100 HECoS Code 100122 - Architecture - 100
ATAS Clearance Required No
Mode of Study Full Time
Type of Programme Single Honours Length of Programme Full Time - 3 Academic Years
Total Credits for Programme 360
Exit Awards available No

Institute Information

Teaching Institution

Queen's University Belfast


Natural and Built Environment

Quality Code

Higher Education Credit Framework for England

Level 6

Subject Benchmark Statements

The Frameworks for Higher Education Qualifications of UK Degree-Awarding Bodies

Architecture (2010)

Accreditations (PSRB)


Date of most recent Accreditation Visit 01-11-21


Date of most recent Accreditation Visit 01-06-21

LAM Board of Architects, Malaysia

Date of most recent Accreditation Visit 26-06-18

Regulation Information

Does the Programme have any approved exemptions from the University General Regulations
(Please see General Regulations)

Yes – see below

Programme Specific Regulations

All modules are compulsory.

In order to pass into the next stage, students must pass all Architectural Design and Communication modules.

Students with protected characteristics


Are students subject to Fitness to Practise Regulations

(Please see General Regulations)


Educational Aims Of Programme

The BSc Programme is framed by pedagogical theory in order to support students in the transition between secondary and tertiary level education, develop them as designers and thinkers within the context of the built environment and equip each graduate with the attributes, knowledge and skills that provide the foundation for a career either as an architect or within the boarder built environment and/or design sectors.

The programme aims to provide an environment that encourages and recognises personal and collective ambition, educating graduates with the following attributes:

1. An ability to explore the practice of architecture and understand its responsiveness and relevance to society.

2. A relevant knowledge base and a range of conceptual, critical and representational skills that allow them to test architectural propositions, which respond to social, technological, environmental and cultural contexts.

3. An ability to take responsibility for their own personal development and map their evolving knowledge, skills and interests to future professional roles and learning opportunities.

Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcomes: Cognitive Skills

On the completion of this course successful students will be able to:

Researching and analysing precedents/case studies to explore the role of structural systems and environmental performance to inform design and form of a building. ARC1023

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This module is delivered though theory lectures, practical workshops and tutorials.

Methods of Assessment

The assessment of this module is undertaken through coursework.

Engage in critical debate about building designs, process of production and the impact architecture has on the built environment and its context. ARC1025

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This module is delivered through tutorials, skills workshops (practicals), lectures, reviews and group work.

Methods of Assessment

The assessment of this module is undertaken through coursework.

Understand and reflect on the process of design and the way it develops out of its context, appreciating potentials and constraints. ARC1025

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This module is delivered through tutorials, skills workshops (practicals), lectures, reviews and group work.

Methods of Assessment

The assessment of this module is undertaken through coursework.

Developing a coherent design process in response to specific contextual constraints in terms of human, technical, and environmental issues. ARC1026

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This module is delivered through tutorials, skills workshops (practicals), lectures, reviews and group work.

Methods of Assessment

The assessment of this module is undertaken through coursework.

Critically study, analyse and develop layers of spatial configurations, accessibility and circulation requirements for a clearly defined programme within specific context (natural or built scapes). ARC1026

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This module is delivered through tutorials, skills workshops (practicals), lectures, reviews and group work.

Methods of Assessment

The assessment of this module is undertaken through coursework.

Investigate a problem, propose, evaluate and refine solutions through a process of representation, critique and informed judgement. ARC1026

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This module is delivered through tutorials, skills workshops (practicals), lectures, reviews and group work.

Methods of Assessment

The assessment of this module is undertaken through coursework.

Ability to reflect on the influence of theory, arts and human sciences on the spatial, social, and technological aspects of architecture. ARC1024

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This module is delivered though lectures and interactive group work skills sessions.

Methods of Assessment

The assessment of this module is undertaken through coursework.

Have the ability to critically appraise and select effective structural and material arrangements for buildings as well as their detailing. ARC2023

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This module is delivered though theory lectures, practical workshops and tutorials.

Methods of Assessment

The assessment of this module is undertaken through coursework.

Demonstrate the ability to respond to site constrains within the urban condition through informed decisions about space and form throughout the design development. ARC2025

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This module is delivered through tutorials, skills workshops (practicals), lectures, reviews and group work.

Methods of Assessment

The assessment of this module is undertaken through coursework.

Demonstrate an ability to critically discuss, analyse and respond to user's needs, theoretical context and fine arts through initial design proposals. ARC2025

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This module is delivered through tutorials, skills workshops (practicals), lectures, reviews and group work.

Methods of Assessment

The assessment of this module is undertaken through coursework.

Ability to develop architectural proposal that contributes effectively to the built environment; physically, culturally and socially, through its alteration of the existing spatial and visual experience. ARC2026

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This module is delivered through tutorials, skills workshops (practicals), lectures, reviews and group work.

Methods of Assessment

The assessment of this module is undertaken through coursework.

Ability to develop a clear approach to design that addresses a brief and needs of the users. ARC2026

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This module is delivered through tutorials, skills workshops (practicals), lectures, reviews and group work.

Methods of Assessment

The assessment of this module is undertaken through coursework.

Demonstrate an ability to build coherent narratives of the architectural developments and their significance in certain periods/ contexts. ARC2024

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This module is delivered though at lectures, seminars, tutorials, reviews, and discussions.

Methods of Assessment

The assessment of this module is undertaken through coursework.

Ability to present well-structured and analytical evaluation of the characteristics of architecture that is sound and critically reflective. ARC2024

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This module is delivered though at lectures, seminars, tutorials, reviews, and discussions.

Methods of Assessment

The assessment of this module is undertaken through coursework.

Developing a critical approach to the role of theory in the design and communication of architecture, and to develop methods to transfer theory to practice. ARC2024

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This module is delivered though at lectures, seminars, tutorials, reviews, and discussions.

Methods of Assessment

The assessment of this module is undertaken through coursework.

Ability to design architectural space and form as well as structure in response to context, using technology and construction as a way to manifest conceptual thinking and theory. ARC3025

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This module is delivered through tutorials, skills workshops (practicals), lectures, reviews and group work.

Methods of Assessment

The assessment of this module is undertaken through coursework.

Ability to develop sound design methodologies and investigations that are informed by analysis and research and supported by a coherent theoretical framework. ARC3026

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This module is delivered through tutorials, skills workshops (practicals), lectures, reviews and group work.

Methods of Assessment

The assessment of this module is undertaken through coursework.

Ability to design a building with technical, environmental and spatial complexity in a given context and within the constraints of a given or designed brief. ARC3026

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This module is delivered through tutorials, skills workshops (practicals), lectures, reviews and group work.

Methods of Assessment

The assessment of this module is undertaken through coursework.

Demonstrate a critical design process, supported by a sustained conceptual framework that integrates, environmental, and social performance. ARC3026

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This module is delivered through tutorials, skills workshops (practicals), lectures, reviews and group work.

Methods of Assessment

The assessment of this module is undertaken through coursework.

Demonstrate an ability to select appropriate means to test and communicate design intent and architectural quality to a range of audiences, including users. ARC3026

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This module is delivered through tutorials, skills workshops (practicals), lectures, reviews and group work.

Methods of Assessment

The assessment of this module is undertaken through coursework.

Demonstrate an ability to critically review design procedures and constraints through design reports that address the economics and management of a project. ARC 3025

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This module is delivered through tutorials, skills workshops (practicals), lectures, reviews and group work.

Methods of Assessment

The assessment of this module is undertaken through coursework.

Learning Outcomes: Transferable Skills

On the completion of this course successful students will be able to:

Acquire and practise basic skills of self-driven management and skill-development to enhance the personal capacity and abilities. ARC1026

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This module is delivered through tutorials, skills workshops (practicals), lectures, reviews and group work.

Methods of Assessment

The assessment of this module is undertaken through coursework.

Acquire basic understanding of professional organisations, structures and relationships within professional contexts. ARC1026

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This module is delivered through tutorials, skills workshops (practicals), lectures, reviews and group work.

Methods of Assessment

The assessment of this module is undertaken through coursework.

Ability to structure critical views of architecture through reflective writing with appropriate referencing, research methods and use of intellectual language. ARC1024

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This module is delivered though lectures and interactive group work skills sessions.

Methods of Assessment

The assessment of this module is undertaken through coursework.

Ability to describe, analyse and synthesise structured arguments and present them in written, graphic and oral form using scholarly research methods (including essay writing, bibliography and referencing). ARC3024

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This module is delivered though lectures and interactive group work skills sessions

Methods of Assessment

The assessment of this module is undertaken through coursework.

Learning Outcomes: Knowledge & Understanding

On the completion of this course successful students will be able to:

Understanding the basic principles of building construction, structural systems, and components ARC1023

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This module is delivered though theory lectures, practical workshops and tutorials.

Methods of Assessment

The assessment of this module is undertaken through coursework.

Awareness of basic sustainability and environmental considerations related to the appropriate choice of systems, materials, and technologies in a simple building. ARC1023

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This module is delivered though theory lectures, practical workshops and tutorials.

Methods of Assessment

The assessment of this module is undertaken through coursework.

Understanding the structural stability/equilibrium in buildings through the experimentation and acting forces, structural assembly and analysing the role of structural members. ARC1023

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This module is delivered though theory lectures, practical workshops and tutorials.

Methods of Assessment

The assessment of this module is undertaken through coursework.

Understanding the principles associated with design for environmental comfort realised within relevant precepts of sustainable design (visual, thermal and acoustic). ARC1023

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This module is delivered though theory lectures, practical workshops and tutorials.

Methods of Assessment

The assessment of this module is undertaken through coursework.

Demonstrate an understanding of aspects of spatial configuration, scale, size and basic structural considerations. ARC1025

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This module is delivered through tutorials, skills workshops (practicals), lectures, reviews and group work.

Methods of Assessment

The assessment of this module is undertaken through coursework.

Understanding the needs and aspiration of building users. ARC1025

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This module is delivered through tutorials, skills workshops (practicals), lectures, reviews and group work.

Methods of Assessment

The assessment of this module is undertaken through coursework.

Having an awareness of the potential impact of the building projects on local communities and society. ARC1026

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This module is delivered through tutorials, skills workshops (practicals), lectures, reviews and group work.

Methods of Assessment

The assessment of this module is undertaken through coursework.

Develop an awareness of the history of architecture, its significance at the time and development over time. ARC1024

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This module is delivered though lectures and interactive group work skills sessions.

Methods of Assessment

The assessment of this module is undertaken through coursework.

An understanding of the influences of history on spatial social and technological aspects of architecture. ARC 1024

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This module is delivered though lectures and interactive group work skills sessions.

Methods of Assessment

The assessment of this module is undertaken through coursework.

Understanding of the relationship between people and buildings, and between buildings and their environment, and the need to relate buildings and the spaces between them to human scale and needs. ARC1024

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This module is delivered though lectures and interactive group work skills sessions.

Methods of Assessment

The assessment of this module is undertaken through coursework.

Have an awareness of the sources of design and effective building performance criteria for building envelope construction, interior environments and components with specific reference to sustainable design. ARC2023

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This module is delivered though theory lectures, practical workshops and tutorials.

Methods of Assessment

The assessment of this module is undertaken through coursework.

An understanding of the principles of how to successfully integrate technology, construction within architectural design through analysis of precedents. ARC2023

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This module is delivered though theory lectures, practical workshops and tutorials.

Methods of Assessment

The assessment of this module is undertaken coursework.

Understanding of the principles of active design systems: fundamentals of artificial illumination, ventilation and sound systems within special environments. ARC2023

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This module is delivered though theory lectures, practical workshops and tutorials.

Methods of Assessment

The assessment of this module is undertaken through coursework.

Understanding of the implications of building regulations requirements on design constraints, fire safety, accessibility and structure. ARC2023

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This module is delivered though theory lectures, practical workshops and tutorials.

Methods of Assessment

The assessment of this module is undertaken through coursework.

Demonstrate an understanding of how materials and structural systems can inform architectural space and form, with reference to technical resolution and structural performance. ARC2025

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This module is delivered through tutorials, skills workshops (practicals), lectures, reviews and group work.

Methods of Assessment

The assessment of this module is undertaken through coursework.

To demonstrate an understanding of how the building fabric, envelope and skin can be assembled and oriented to permit for effective building performance, and efficient energy strategy. ARC2025

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This module is delivered through tutorials, skills workshops (practicals), lectures, reviews and group work.

Methods of Assessment

The assessment of this module is undertaken through coursework.

Understanding of the influences which gave meaning and value to architectural design and it’s associated with socio-cultural situations. ARC2024

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This module is delivered though at lectures, seminars, tutorials, reviews, and discussions.

Methods of Assessment

The assessment of this module is undertaken through coursework.

Knowledge of theories and practices of the fine arts as an influence on the quality of architectural design. ARC2024

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This module is delivered though at lectures, seminars, tutorials, reviews, and discussions.

Methods of Assessment

The assessment of this module is undertaken through coursework.

An understanding of general principles of urban history and theory and the influence their complex economic, socio-cultural contexts have on architecture. ARC2024

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This module is delivered though at lectures, seminars, tutorials, reviews, and discussions.

Methods of Assessment

The assessment of this module is undertaken through coursework.

An understanding of decision making behind the integration of structure, façade and spatial layout. ARC3023

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This module is delivered though theory lectures, practical workshops and tutorials.

Methods of Assessment

The assessment of this module is undertaken through coursework.

An understanding of material choice, assembly and sustainability within the design and construction process of medium and large buildings. ARC3023

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This module is delivered though theory lectures, practical workshops and tutorials.

Methods of Assessment

The assessment of this module is undertaken through coursework.

An understanding of advanced building envelope systems, their functional and economical and environmental implications. ARC3023

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This module is delivered though theory lectures, practical workshops and tutorials.

Methods of Assessment

The assessment of this module is undertaken through coursework.

Demonstrate understanding of the impact of building services and science in the integration of design and construction in architecture. ARC3023

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This module is delivered though theory lectures, practical workshops and tutorials.

Methods of Assessment

The assessment of this module is undertaken through coursework.

Demonstrate an understanding of the cultural, societal and architectural parameters of urban design intervention in communities, through brief development. ARC3025

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This module is delivered through tutorials, skills workshops (practicals), lectures, reviews and group work.

Methods of Assessment

The assessment of this module is undertaken through coursework.

Demonstrate an understanding of the interrelationship between urban planning, building design, users, environment and society. ARC3025

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This module is delivered through tutorials, skills workshops (practicals), lectures, reviews and group work.

Methods of Assessment

The assessment of this module is undertaken through coursework.

Demonstration of awareness of regulatory and legal aspects of architecture as a profession and as a practice and how these are defined through contractual and business relationships. ARC3025

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This module is delivered through tutorials, skills workshops (practicals), lectures, reviews and group work.

Methods of Assessment

The assessment of this module is undertaken through coursework.

Demonstrate an awareness of the professional relationships of individuals and organisations involved in preparation and delivering architectural projects. ARC3025

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This module is delivered through tutorials, skills workshops (practicals), lectures, reviews and group work.

Methods of Assessment

The assessment of this module is undertaken through coursework.

Understanding of the complexity construct of the contemporary urban condition and its historical and theoretical encounters. ARC3024

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This module is delivered though lectures and interactive group work skills sessions.

Methods of Assessment

The assessment of this module is undertaken through coursework.

Have a knowledge and understanding of how cultural, social and intellectual histories as well as urban theory can impact on practice and design. ARC3024

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This module is delivered though lectures and interactive group work skills sessions.

Methods of Assessment

The assessment of this module is undertaken through coursework.

Demonstrate an understanding of architectural and urban developments with special reference to specific themes and movements. ARC3024

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This module is delivered though lectures and interactive group work skills sessions.

Methods of Assessment

The assessment of this module is undertaken through coursework.

Demonstration of awareness of regulatory and legal aspects of architecture as a profession and as a practice and how these are defined through contractual and business relationships. ARC3026

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This module is delivered through tutorials, skills workshops (practicals), lectures, reviews and group work.

Methods of Assessment

The assessment of this module is undertaken through coursework.

Demonstrate an understanding of the contribution of the architect and co-professionals to the formation of briefs in diverse scales including building and urban scale. ARC3024

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This module is delivered though lectures and interactive group work skills sessions

Methods of Assessment

The assessment of this module is undertaken through coursework.

Learning Outcomes: Subject Specific

On the completion of this course successful students will be able to:

Having fair understanding of conventional communication skills and drawing techniques, sketching and modelling to document the building and the space. ARC1025

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This module is delivered through tutorials, skills workshops (practicals), lectures, reviews and group work.

Methods of Assessment

The assessment of this module is undertaken through coursework.

Ability to use accurate communication media (2D and 3D) to effectively investigate the layers of space and its environment. ARC1025

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This module is delivered through tutorials, skills workshops (practicals), lectures, reviews and group work.

Methods of Assessment

The assessment of this module is undertaken through coursework.

Use of experimental methods of visual and verbal representation of precedents through analysing architectural language, style and philosophy. ARC1025

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This module is delivered through tutorials, skills workshops (practicals), lectures, reviews and group work.

Methods of Assessment

The assessment of this module is undertaken through coursework.

Ability to utilise manual and computer graphic techniques and representation as method of analysis, enquiry and professional communication in the context of a design project. ARC1026

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This module is delivered through tutorials, skills workshops (practicals), lectures, reviews and group work.

Methods of Assessment

The assessment of this module is undertaken through coursework.

Present elementary information on historical examples in written and drawn form in a coherent and critical manner. ARC1024

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This module is delivered though lectures and interactive group work skills sessions.

Methods of Assessment

The assessment of this module is undertaken through coursework.

The ability to develop a range of skills to critically analyse, discuss and communicate aspects of design in response to a context and users needs. ARC2025

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This module is delivered through tutorials, skills workshops (practicals), lectures, reviews and group work.

Methods of Assessment

The assessment of this module is undertaken through coursework.

Ability to produce well-coordinated set of drawings and representational material (including manual and computer-aided techniques such as 3D modelling and renderings) that communicate design ideas in a clear and professional manner. ARC2025

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This module is delivered through tutorials, skills workshops (practicals), lectures, reviews and group work.

Methods of Assessment

The assessment of this module is undertaken through coursework.

Ability to use computer modelling to communicate design ideas and proposals in different forms (2D and 3D). ARC 2026

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This module is delivered through tutorials, skills workshops (practicals), lectures, reviews and group work.

Methods of Assessment

The assessment of this module is undertaken through coursework.

Ability to use different techniques and presentation media (written, oral, visual) to explore and communicate arguments, designs, and theoretical debate. ARC2026

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This module is delivered through tutorials, skills workshops (practicals), lectures, reviews and group work.

Methods of Assessment

The assessment of this module is undertaken through coursework.

Ability to compile an analytical report outlining the constructional and environmental strategies that also demonstrates detailed resolution of a significant element of a design project. ARC3023

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This module is delivered though theory lectures, practical workshops and tutorials.

Methods of Assessment

The assessment of this module is undertaken through coursework.

Undertake precedent studies that critically examine environmental systems and technological strategies. ARC3023

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This module is delivered though theory lectures, practical workshops and tutorials.

Methods of Assessment

The assessment of this module is undertaken through coursework.

Demonstrate an ability to engage with the professional practice through coherent outcome and have an understanding of professional procedures and responsibilities. ARC3026

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This module is delivered through tutorials, skills workshops (practicals), lectures, reviews and group work.

Methods of Assessment

The assessment of this module is undertaken through coursework.

Demonstrate understanding of UK legislation, building regulations, and the responsibilities of an architect including the ones related to health and safety. ARC3023

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This module is delivered though theory lectures, practical workshops and tutorials.

Methods of Assessment

The assessment of this module is undertaken through coursework.

Understanding design issues related to environmental comfort and building services as well as financial factors and costing. ARC 3025

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

This module is delivered through tutorials, skills workshops (practicals), lectures, reviews and group work.

Methods of Assessment

The assessment of this module is undertaken through coursework.

Module Information

Stages and Modules

Module Title Module Code Level/ stage Credits


Duration Pre-requisite


S1 S2 Core Option Coursework % Practical % Examination %
Technology and Environment 1 ARC1023 1 20 YES YES 24 weeks N YES -- 100% 0% 0%
Architectural Design and Communication 1(ii) ARC1026 1 40 -- YES 12 weeks N YES -- 100% 0% 0%
Architectural Design and Communication 1(i) ARC1025 1 40 YES -- 12 weeks N YES -- 100% 0% 0%
History and Theory of Architecture 1 ARC1024 1 20 YES YES 24 weeks N YES -- 100% 0% 0%
Architectural Design and Communication 2(ii) ARC2026 2 40 -- YES 12 weeks Y YES -- 100% 0% 0%
Architectural Design and Communication 2(i) ARC2025 2 40 YES -- 12 weeks Y YES -- 100% 0% 0%
History and Theory of Architecture 2 ARC2024 2 20 YES YES 24 weeks N YES -- 100% 0% 0%
Technology and Environment 2 ARC2023 2 20 YES YES 24 weeks N YES -- 100% 0% 0%
Architectural Design and Communication 3(ii) ARC3026 3 40 -- YES 12 weeks Y YES -- 100% 0% 0%
Architectural Design and Communication 3(i) ARC3025 3 40 YES -- 12 weeks Y YES -- 100% 0% 0%
History and Theory of Architecture 3 ARC3024 3 20 YES YES 24 weeks N YES -- 100% 0% 0%
Technology and Environment 3 ARC3023 3 20 YES YES 24 weeks N YES -- 100% 0% 0%


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