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Undergraduate Programme Specification

Cert Nurse and Midwife Prescribing

Academic Year 2024/25

A programme specification is required for any programme on which a student may be registered. All programmes of the University are subject to the University's Quality Assurance processes. All degrees are awarded by Queen's University Belfast.

Programme Title Cert Nurse and Midwife Prescribing Final Award
(exit route if applicable for Postgraduate Taught Programmes)
Programme Code NAM-UC-NCM UCAS Code HECoS Code 100290 - Nursing - 100
ATAS Clearance Required No
Mode of Study Part Time
Type of Programme Undergraduate Certif Length of Programme Part Time - 1 Academic Year
Total Credits for Programme 60
Exit Awards available No

Institute Information

Teaching Institution

Queen's University Belfast


Nursing & Midwifery

Quality Code

Higher Education Credit Framework for England

Level 6

Subject Benchmark Statements

The Frameworks for Higher Education Qualifications of UK Degree-Awarding Bodies

Midwifery (2009)

Accreditations (PSRB)

Nursing and Midwifery Council

Date of most recent Accreditation Visit 26-11-19

Regulation Information

Does the Programme have any approved exemptions from the University General Regulations
(Please see General Regulations)

Examination Numeracy assessment is a requirement from the NMC Standards for Prescribing Programmes (NMC, 2018 ). It is related to prescribing and calculation of medicines (the numeracy assessment must be passed with a score of 100%). A pharmacology exam is a professional requirement of the NMC Standards for Prescribing Programmes and this must be passed with a minimum score of 80%) (NMC, 2018 )

Programme Specific Regulations

This programme leads to both the academic award of Undergraduate Certificate in Nurse and Midwife Prescribing and a recorded professional award as a Nurse or Midwife Independent/ Supplementary Prescriber (V300) with the NMC. The course is offered only as a part time option with students expected to devote a minimum of 90 hours of supernumerary practice to develop their prescribing skills.

Students entering this programme must have a first degree in Nursing or Midwifery with appropriate registration.

The course design is compatible with the Credit Accumulation and Transfer System so that students will earn 60 credits at level 3.

Students can elect to either exit with the award of Undergraduate Certificate in Nurse and Midwife Prescribing or carry credits forward into further graduate study in order to be awarded a Degree. Students entering this programme must have a Diploma HE or equivalent in Nursing or Midwifery with appropriate registration with the NMC.

Awards, Credits and Progression of Learning Outcomes
To achieve the professional award the programme involves three compulsory taught modules, Prescribing in Practice, Pharmacotherapeutics in Prescribing and Health Assessment each worth 20 credits. Accredited Prior Learning can be given for Health Assessment if this module has been completed prior to commencing the Programme.

Duration Of The Course And Requirements For The Award
The duration of this course is one academic year as a part time option only. Students must have completed all three modules to exit with the professional award of V300 (Nurse or Midwife Independent/ Supplementary Prescriber) to be able to enter the NMC register as an Independent and Supplementary prescriber. This includes a minimum of 90 hours of supernumerary practice learning relevant to prescribing practice. There are 26 days theoretical contact time with the university plus -6 days if undertaking Health Assessment module concurrently.

Practice-Based Learning
In most cases placement will be confined to the student’s place of employment. In cases where students cannot gain the skills required in their place of work the main objective will be to seek the experiences within another suitable environment. Clinical placement of a minimum of 90 hours supernumerary practice is a compulsory part of this programme during which students develop their clinical skills under the supervision of a relevant health care prescriber to be able to undertake their new role safely.

During this clinical experience, the practice supervisor, practice assessor and academic assessor will collectively assess progress towards competencies shown in the RPS Prescribing Competency Framework (RPS, 2021).

Students are expected to attend all classes / workshops associated with the programme and engage with all online learning requirements.

Trusts/Employers will be copied into all correspondence to students regarding their attendance. Please note that students who are off work for any reason are not permitted to engage with commissioned courses.

Information regarding a student’s progress will be shared with their seconding authority and the commissioning body.

Interruption to Studies
If the NMC registrant interrupts their studies whilst undertaking the Nurse and Midwife Prescribing programme it is advised that they complete the programme in no more than two years from the identified start date of the programme. However, if a registrant is not able to complete the programme in this timeframe, due to illness, disability or other issues, this will be considered on a case by case basis with appropriate support provided to students. If the student has not completed all assessments for any module prior to interruption, they will be required to retake the module. If there are no exceptional circumstances the student may be required to retake the entire programme.


Numeracy assessment is a requirement from the NMC Standards for Prescribing Programmes (NMC, 2018 ). It is related to prescribing and calculation of medicines (the numeracy assessment must be passed with a score of 100%).

A pharmacology exam is a professional requirement of the NMC Standards for Prescribing Programmes and this must be passed with a minimum score of 80%) (NMC, 2018 )

Systematic and Detailed Examination in Practice (SDEP)
This assessment is based on the consultation domain of the RPS Prescribing Competency Framework (RPS, 2021) and will take place in clinical practice, during consultation with patients.

Practice Assessment Document:
The NMP Practice Assessment Document (NMP PAD), which is maintained by students throughout their 90 hours minimum of supervised practice, provides students with the opportunity to demonstrate the acquisition of the skills and competencies. After a minimum of 80 hours supervised practice the student will have a first attempt at a summative Systematic and Detailed Examination in Practice (SDEP). The student is assessed by the Practice Assessor. Two weeks must lapse before a second and final attempt is undertaken.

In partnership the Academic Assessor and Practice Assessor must ensure that all programme learning outcomes including the RPS competencies are met.

The Northern Ireland SSSA Model applies to all Nurse and Midwife Prescribing programmes.

Assessment is provisional until all practice hours are completed and there are no arising professional/performance issues.

If there are any concerns regarding a student the Practice Supervisor or Practice Assessor, should inform the nominated person and seek guidance from the Practice Education Facilitators (or equivalent) and /or the Academic Assessor/ Programme Lead.

This award must be registered with the NMC within 5 years of successfully completing the programme if students fail to do so they will have to retake and successfully complete the programme in order to qualify and register their award as a prescriber. Students can only prescribe once their prescribing award has been annotated on the NMC register and they may only prescribe from the formulary they are qualified to prescribe from and within their competency and scope of practice. Students must also be registered with their respective organisational/trust register.

Students with protected characteristics

Patient safety must be the primary consideration.

Applications will be considered on an individual basis and in conjunction with professional guidelines, Occupational Health and Disability Services.

Are students subject to Fitness to Practise Regulations

(Please see General Regulations)

Fitness to Practise programmes are those which permit students to enter a profession which is itself subject to Fitness to Practise rules.

Educational Aims Of Programme

The aim of this undergraduate level 3 programme is to prepare nurses, midwives and specialist nurses to be able to incorporate safe, appropriate and cost-effective, person-centred prescribing into their practice.
Within this overall aim, the programme is designed to enable the student to:

1. Be a confident, competent and safe prescriber

2. Prescribe in the context of person centred care

3. Prescribe as part of an interprofessional team

This programme is available at undergraduate level (3) to take account of the professional and academic background and achievement in the target population. The clinical competency base is the same for undergraduate and postgraduate students. This is reflected in the Learning Outcomes for the modules in this programme.

Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcomes: Cognitive Skills

On the completion of this course successful students will be able to:

1.1 Apply knowledge and understanding of pharmacology and pharmacodynamics to prescribe appropriately using clear and accurate documentation

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Students learn the theory in the taught modules and through coursework, examinations and ongoing practice assessment they begin to demonstrate higher order cognitive skills and relate these to their clinical practice

Methods of Assessment

Practice Assessment Document

1.6 Critically review and reflect on medication practice and policy fulfilling statutory and professional requirements

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Students learn the theory in the taught modules and through coursework, examinations and ongoing practice assessment they begin to demonstrate higher order cognitive skills and relate these to their clinical practice

Methods of Assessment

Practice Assessment Document

3.4 Negotiate the appropriate level of supervision and support for a prescriber

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Students learn the theory in the taught modules and through coursework, examinations and ongoing practice assessment they begin to demonstrate higher order cognitive skills and relate these to their clinical practice

Methods of Assessment

Practice Assessment Document

2.4 Effectively communicate the role of the Nurse and Midwife prescriber with the person/ carer and how this role can support the person in their self management

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Students learn the theory in the taught modules and through coursework, examinations and ongoing practice assessment they begin to demonstrate higher order cognitive skills and relate these to their clinical practice

Methods of Assessment

Practice Assessment Document

Learning Outcomes: Knowledge & Understanding

On the completion of this course successful students will be able to:

1.2 Use best available evidence to make decisions in prescribing practice

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Knowledge and the capacity to achieve the above outcomes is acquired through: lectures, guest lectures (e.g. NICE), seminars, practical workshops, case studies, topic centred guided reading, tutorials and student centred learning (individual and group activities) and use of supporting online material. In all modules, ELearning is used to support the theoretical instruction and student centred learning.

Methods of Assessment

Assessment methods require students to demonstrate the application of knowledge to practice through:
Practice Assessment Document

2.3 Critically explore the ethical, legal and professional implications of decisions made with the person/ carer respecting their right to make their own decision

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Knowledge and the capacity to achieve the above outcomes is acquired through: lectures, guest lectures (e.g. NICE), seminars, practical workshops, case studies, topic centred guided reading, tutorials and student centred learning (individual and group activities) and use of supporting online material. In all modules, ELearning is used to support the theoretical instruction and student centred learning.

Methods of Assessment

Assessment methods require students to demonstrate the application of knowledge to practice through:
Practice Assessment Document

1.3 Evaluate and document the effectiveness of prescribed drug therapy and develop a bespoke log of drugs to be prescribed relevant to respective scope of practice

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Knowledge and the capacity to achieve the above outcomes is acquired through: lectures, guest lectures (e.g. NICE), seminars, practical workshops, case studies, topic centred guided reading, tutorials and student centred learning (individual and group activities) and use of supporting online material. In all modules, ELearning is used to support the theoretical instruction and student centred learning.

Methods of Assessment

Assessment methods require students to demonstrate the application of knowledge to practice through:
Practice Assessment Document

1.4 Prescribe within the legislative and regulatory frameworks specific to the country in which they practice

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Knowledge and the capacity to achieve the above outcomes is acquired through: lectures, guest lectures (e.g. NICE), seminars, practical workshops, case studies, topic centred guided reading, tutorials and student centred learning (individual and group activities) and use of supporting online material. In all modules, ELearning is used to support the theoretical instruction and student centred learning.

Methods of Assessment

Assessment methods require students to demonstrate the application of knowledge to practice through:
Practice Assessment Document

3.3 Promote support and advice to other prescribers or those involved in administration of medicines as appropriate

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Knowledge and the capacity to achieve the above outcomes is acquired through: lectures, guest lectures (e.g. NICE), seminars, practical workshops, case studies, topic centred guided reading, tutorials and student centred learning (individual and group activities) and use of supporting online material. In all modules, ELearning is used to support the theoretical instruction and student centred learning.

Methods of Assessment

Assessment methods require students to demonstrate the application of knowledge to practice through:
Practice Assessment Document

Learning Outcomes: Subject Specific

On the completion of this course successful students will be able to:

2.2 Work in partnership with the person (and carer where appropriate) to make informed decisions about treatment to achieve appropriate outcomes for the person

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

The outcomes are developed throughout the programme through directed study and practical workshops, debate and discussion, the use of learning contracts, development of the Practice Assessment Document and independent learning building on previously acquired knowledge and skills. Students will continue to develop their clinical skills with the support and guidance of their Practice Assessor and Practice Supervisor. In addition, discussion with their Academic Assessor, reflection on practice and clinical supervision will promote development in these areas.

Methods of Assessment

Practice Assessment Document

2.1 Undertake a thorough history, including medication history and current medication (including over-the-counter, alternative and complementary health therapies) to inform diagnosis

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

The outcomes are developed throughout the programme through directed study and practical workshops, debate and discussion, the use of learning contracts, development of the Practice Assessment Document and independent learning building on previously acquired knowledge and skills. Students will continue to develop their clinical skills with the support and guidance of their Practice Assessor and Practice Supervisor. In addition, discussion with their Academic Assessor, reflection on practice and clinical supervision will promote development in these areas.

Methods of Assessment

Practice Assessment Document

1.3 Evaluate and document the effectiveness of prescribed drug therapy and develop a bespoke log of drugs to be prescribed relevant to respective scope of practice

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

The outcomes are developed throughout the programme through directed study and practical workshops, debate and discussion, the use of learning contracts, development of the Practice Assessment Document and independent learning building on previously acquired knowledge and skills. Students will continue to develop their clinical skills with the support and guidance of their Practice Assessor and Practice Supervisor. In addition, discussion with their Academic Assessor, reflection on practice and clinical supervision will promote development in these areas.

Methods of Assessment

Practice Assessment Document

3.5 Work in partnership within the Interprofessional team to review and audit current prescribing practice.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

The outcomes are developed throughout the programme through directed study and practical workshops, debate and discussion, the use of learning contracts, development of the Practice Assessment Document and independent learning building on previously acquired knowledge and skills. Students will continue to develop their clinical skills with the support and guidance of their Practice Assessor and Practice Supervisor. In addition, discussion with their Academic Assessor, reflection on practice and clinical supervision will promote development in these areas.

Methods of Assessment

Practice Assessment Document

Learning Outcomes: Transferable Skills

On the completion of this course successful students will be able to:

3.1 Engage and innovate with appropriate healthcare and other agencies and professionals to ensure continuity in the environment of care.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

The development of skills is embedded within the curriculum where they are taught, practiced and assessed in a range of situations e.g. seminars, tutorials and supervised practice sessions. The theoretical modules provide the relevant knowledge underpinning these learning outcomes. Students continue to develop their clinical and professional skills with the support and guidance of their Practice Assessor and Practice Supervisor, and through discussion with their Academic Assessor, continually reflection on practice to promote their development in these areas.

Methods of Assessment

Practice Assessment Document

3.2 Demonstrate respect and collegiality with all team members

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

The development of skills is embedded within the curriculum where they are taught, practiced and assessed in a range of situations e.g. seminars, tutorials and supervised practice sessions. The theoretical modules provide the relevant knowledge underpinning these learning outcomes. Students continue to develop their clinical and professional skills with the support and guidance of their Practice Assessor and Practice Supervisor, and through discussion with their Academic Assessor, continually reflection on practice to promote their development in these areas.

Methods of Assessment

Practice Assessment Document

1.5 Identify their own limitations in prescribing practice and how to address these through continuous professional development (CPD)

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

The development of skills is embedded within the curriculum where they are taught, practiced and assessed in a range of situations e.g. seminars, tutorials and supervised practice sessions. The theoretical modules provide the relevant knowledge underpinning these learning outcomes. Students continue to develop their clinical and professional skills with the support and guidance of their Practice Assessor and Practice Supervisor, and through discussion with their Academic Assessor, continually reflection on practice to promote their development in these areas.

Methods of Assessment

Practice Assessment Document

Module Information

Stages and Modules

Module Title Module Code Level/ stage Credits


Duration Pre-requisite


S1 S2 Core Option Coursework % Practical % Examination %
Prescribing in Practice NMP3102 1 20 YES YES 24 weeks N YES -- 100% 0% 0%
Pharmacotherapeutics for Prescribing NMP3101 1 20 YES YES 24 weeks N YES -- 80% 0% 20%
Health Assessment NMP3002 1 20 YES YES 12 weeks N YES -- 100% 0% 0%


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