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BSc Mathematics and Computer Science

Academic Year 2017/18

A programme specification is required for any programme on which a student may be registered. All programmes of the University are subject to the University's Quality Assurance and Enhancement processes as set out in the DASA Policies and Procedures Manual.

Programme Title

BSc Mathematics and Computer Science

Final Award
(exit route if applicable for Postgraduate Taught Programmes)

Bachelor of Science

Programme Code





G100 (DESCR) 50

Criteria for Admissions

Stage 1 Entry: 3 A-levels ABB (or equivalent) grade A Mathematics

ATAS Clearance Required


Health Check Required


Portfolio Required

Interview Required

Mode of Study

Full Time

Type of Programme

Joint Honours Single

Length of Programme

3 Academic Year(s)

Total Credits for Programme


Exit Awards available


Awarding Institution/Body

Queen's University Belfast

Teaching Institution

Queen's University Belfast


Mathematics & Physics

Framework for Higher Education Qualification Level

Level 6

QAA Benchmark Group

Mathematics, Statistics and Operational Research (2015)

Accreditations (PSRB)

Institute of Mathematics and its Applications

Date of most recent Accreditation Visit 04-06-13


Does the Programme have any approved exemptions from the University General Regulations
(Please see General Regulations)


Programme Specific Regulations

Students will not be permitted to register for Stage 2 unless they have passed all their core Level 1 modules.

Transfers to Other Pathways
Up to the start of Stage 3, Students may transfer to other Pathways (BSc, or if they have achieved a weighted average of at least 55%, before rounding MSci), provided they have passed all the compulsory modules on the Pathway to which they are transferring up to that time of transfer.

Students with protected characteristics


Are students subject to Fitness to Practise Regulations

(Please see General Regulations)



- Demonstrate appropriate understanding of the basic body of knowledge of mathematics and computer science, and appropriate skill in manipulation of this knowledge, including in its application to problem solving

- Apply core mathematics and computer science concepts in well-defined contexts, through the judicious use of analytical and computational methods, tools and techniques and the judicious use of logical arguments

- Analyse problems through their formulation in terms of mathematics

- Develop sound engineering practice in the approach to system design and development, including the adoption of and adaptation to new technologies

- Communicate mathematical and computer science arguments to a range of audiences in both written and oral form

- Embark on careers as professional computer scientists and/or mathematicians


Learning Outcomes: Cognitive Skills

On the completion of this course successful students will be able to:

Apply mathematical knowledge logically and accurately in the solution of examples and small-scale problems

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

By its nature, mathematics has to be presented logically. The lectures and model examples to problems provide exemplars of this logical structure. They also identify the tools needed to address certain problems. Tutorial problems and assignments offer the students opportunities to develop their logical reasoning skills, to develop skills in organising their reasoning and application of mathematics, and to develop skills in the selection of techniques.

Methods of Assessment

The assessment of these skills is implicit in most methods of assessment, including exams, coursework, practicals and project work. The overall degree of success in any assessment depends to a large extent on students’ mastery of logical and accurate methods of solution, well-organised structure of answers, and the identification of the appropriate solution method.

Organise their work in a structured manner

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

By its nature, mathematics has to be presented logically. The lectures and model examples to problems provide exemplars of this logical structure. They also identify the tools needed to address certain problems. Tutorial problems and assignments offer the students opportunities to develop their logical reasoning skills, to develop skills in organising their reasoning and application of mathematics, and to develop skills in the selection of techniques.

Methods of Assessment

The assessment of these skills is implicit in most methods of assessment, including exams, coursework, practicals and project work. The overall degree of success in any assessment depends to a large extent on students’ mastery of logical and accurate methods of solution, well-organised structure of answers, and the identification of the appropriate solution method.

Analyse small-scale problems and situations in mathematical terms, and identify the appropriate mathematical tools and techniques for their solution

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

By its nature, mathematics has to be presented logically. The lectures and model examples to problems provide exemplars of this logical structure. They also identify the tools needed to address certain problems. Tutorial problems and assignments offer the students opportunities to develop their logical reasoning skills, to develop skills in organising their reasoning and application of mathematics, and to develop skills in the selection of techniques.

Methods of Assessment

The assessment of these skills is implicit in most methods of assessment, including exams, coursework, practicals and project work. The overall degree of success in any assessment depends to a large extent on students’ mastery of logical and accurate methods of solution, well-organised structure of answers, and the identification of the appropriate solution method.

Evaluate software designs, components, products and artefacts and make improvements

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

All Computer Science modules have a coursework component (practical work, homework or assignments) which supports, illustrates and reinforces the theoretical material presented in lectures

Methods of Assessment

Analysis and problem solving skills are assessed through homeworks, assignments and end-of-module written examinations. Design skills are assessed through assignments, reports on practical work and project reports, presentations and demonstrations.

Conduct a small-scale investigation under supervision

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

The mathematics project modules will offer the students the opportunity to identify what it takes to carry out a longer mathematically oriented investigation. These skills are also developed through extended assignments in a wide range of modules across the entire spectrum

Methods of Assessment

These skills are assessed mainly through project reports and oral presentations on project work of increasing complexity, culminating in the final project

Learning Outcomes: Knowledge & Understanding

On the completion of this course successful students will be able to:

Demonstrate understanding of the fundamental concepts and techniques of calculus, analysis, algebra, linear algebra and numerical methods

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Lectures provide the core method for the presentation of the knowledge required for students to be successful. Each lecture-based module has associated tutorials, and, where appropriate, practical classes to assist the student with the development of understanding of the core contents, including its application. Assignments are provided to assist further development of understanding. These assignments are marked and returned to students typically within one week with individual feedback. Model solutions to these assignments are made available to students for additional self-study.

Methods of Assessment

Formal exams, class tests, small reports, presentations

Use these fundamental concepts and techniques in a range of application areas, including, for example, partial differential equations, mechanics, numerical analysis, statistics and operational research

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Lectures provide the core method for the presentation of the knowledge required for students to be successful. Each lecture-based module has associated tutorials, and, where appropriate, practical classes to assist the student with the development of understanding of the core contents, including its application. Assignments are provided to assist further development of understanding. These assignments are marked and returned to students typically within one week with individual feedback. Model solutions to these assignments are made available to students for additional self-study.

Methods of Assessment

Formal exams, class tests, small reports, presentations
Application of the fundamental concepts is also of importance to any of the project modules, as deeper understanding will result in higher marks

Understand and appreciate the importance of mathematical logic

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Lectures provide the core method for the presentation of the knowledge required for students to be successful. Each lecture-based module has associated tutorials, and, where appropriate, practical classes to assist the student with the development of understanding of the core contents, including its application. Assignments are provided to assist further development of understanding. These assignments are marked and returned to students typically within one week with individual feedback. Model solutions to these assignments are made available to students for additional self-study.

Methods of Assessment

Formal exams, class tests, small reports, presentations
This appreciation is of particular importance to the project modules, as mathematical logic is critical to arrive at appropriate mathematical conclusions

Demonstrate understanding, and application of this understanding, within a range of more specialist optional topics

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Lectures provide the core method for the presentation of the knowledge required for students to be successful. Each lecture-based module has associated tutorials, and, where appropriate, practical classes to assist the student with the development of understanding of the core contents, including its application. Assignments are provided to assist further development of understanding. These assignments are marked and returned to students typically within one week with individual feedback. Model solutions to these assignments are made available to students for additional self-study.

Methods of Assessment

Formal exams, class tests, small reports, presentations

Demonstrate some understanding of the connection between different areas of mathematics and/or between mathematics and other sciences and application areas

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Lectures provide the core method for the presentation of the knowledge required for students to be successful. Each lecture-based module has associated tutorials, and, where appropriate, practical classes to assist the student with the development of understanding of the core contents, including its application. Assignments are provided to assist further development of understanding. These assignments are marked and returned to students typically within one week with individual feedback. Model solutions to these assignments are made available to students for additional self-study.

Methods of Assessment

This is tested in particular in the project modules, as this is where outside applications may primarily appear. Modules in applied mathematics and statistics may demonstrate application in physics, medicine, business and finance.
The hierarchical nature of mathematics means that all mathematical modules are based on previous mathematical knowledge, and so this understanding is implicitly assessed in any examination.

Adhere to good scientific and engineering practice in the specification, design, implementation, testing and delivery and maintenance of computer based solutions.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Forms an integral part of all technical strands of the programme assuming increasing importance as students’ progress through the levels and is the dominant feature of final year technical modules. Acquisition of (c) is through a combination of lectures, tutorials, practical exercises, coursework and projects at all levels.

Methods of Assessment

Unseen written examinations and assessed practical work Project reports, presentations and demonstration.

Understand the importance of quality and fitness for purpose of the software engineering process and resulting artefacts.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Through lectures and projects in Levels 2 and 3.

Methods of Assessment

Unseen written examinations, project reports, presentations and demonstrations

Maintain knowledge of the professional, legal and ethical responsibilities of Software Engineers and their role within an organization.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Through lectures in Level 2

Methods of Assessment

Unseen written examinations and assessed practical work, assignment

Learning Outcomes: Subject Specific

On the completion of this course successful students will be able to:

Demonstrate understanding of logical mathematical arguments, including mathematical proofs and their construction, and apply these arguments appropriately

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Each lecture-based module has associated tutorials, and, where appropriate, practical classes to assist the student with the development of understanding and application of logical mathematical arguments and/or analytic/numerical mathematical techniques. Assignments also assist the development of understanding in these areas.

The project modules allow students to spend time on a more extended problem, which will enable a more in-depth development of mathematical arguments and application mathematical techniques

Methods of Assessment

Assessment is mainly through formal examination and class tests for lecture-based modules. This assessment is supplemented through written reports and oral presentations. For project modules, the latter is the main method of assessment.

Apply a wide range of analytic and/or numerical mathematical techniques within well-defined contexts, and to formulate and solve problems in more loosely defined contexts

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Each lecture-based module has associated tutorials, and, where appropriate, practical classes to assist the student with the development of understanding and application of logical mathematical arguments and/or analytic/numerical mathematical techniques. Assignments also assist the development of understanding in these areas.

The project modules allow students to spend time on a more extended problem, which will enable a more in-depth development of mathematical arguments and application mathematical techniques

Methods of Assessment

Assessment is mainly through formal examination and class tests for lecture-based modules. This assessment is supplemented through written reports and oral presentations. For project modules, the latter is the main method of assessment.

Use a range of mathematical software for the solution of mathematical problems

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Basic skills are developed through the mathematical modelling module and the computer algebra module. Numerical analysis and statistics oriented modules have associated computer practicals, using appropriate specialist software.

In the project modules, further opportunities to use mathematical software may be available.

Methods of Assessment

These skills are primarily assessed through reports and presentations associated with work carried out using mathematical software.

Present mathematical findings through oral and written means to a range of audiences
Prepare technical reports and give technical presentations on computer systems

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Communication through reports and/or oral presentations forms a compulsory part of many modules across the entire range of modules offered.

Methods of Assessment

These skills are primarily assessed through compulsory reports and presentations within many modules.

Implement a design using an appropriate programming language

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Taught through lectures and supplemented through practical and project work

Methods of Assessment

Practical skills are assessed through reports on practical work, coursework reports and presentations

Deploy appropriate theory, practices and tools for the specification, design, implementation and evaluation of computer based systems

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Taught through lectures and developed through homework, assignments, practical and project work

Methods of Assessment

Practical skills are assessed through reports on practical work, coursework reports and presentations

Deploy effectively the tools used in the construction and documentation of computer systems

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Developed through practical and project work

Methods of Assessment

Practical skills are assessed through reports on practical work, coursework reports and presentations

Learning Outcomes: Transferable Skills

On the completion of this course successful students will be able to:

Adopt an analytic approach to problem solving

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Analytic thinking is part of any module in mathematics, and is therefore cultivated through the tutorials, practicals and assignments associated with each lecture-based module, including all the project components.
It is also a critical skill developed during the project modules

Methods of Assessment

Analytic thinking is embedded implicitly in every assessment within mathematics.

Problem solving skills will be assessed through an extended range of project work, culminating in the final-year project modules

Appreciate the need for continuous professional development in recognition for the need of lifelong learning

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Promoted throughout Computer Science modules

Methods of Assessment

Assessed through the development of skills

Oversee small-scale projects

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Project work associated with modules at each Level are the prime method for development. The increase in level of complexity of such projects throughout the programme, in line with student’s overall development, will implicitly develop the students’ skills in project management.

Methods of Assessment

These skills are assessed implicitly as part of any project component to a module. A higher level of skill in time management will provide student with greater opportunity to present a well thought-through report, which allows the students to better highlight their achievements.

Manage their time

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Project work associated with modules at each Level are the prime method for development. The increase in level of complexity of such projects throughout the programme, in line with student’s overall development, will implicitly develop the students’ skills in project management.

Methods of Assessment

These skills are assessed implicitly as part of any project component to a module. A higher level of skill in time management will provide student with greater opportunity to present a well thought-through report, which allows the students to better highlight their achievements.

Present findings through oral communication

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Any assignment or coursework or project work involves the communication of mathematical ideas, and these skills are thus embedded indirectly in any module.
Any report or presentation will provide an explicit learning opportunity, where the increase in mathematical difficulty at higher levels will provide a means for communication skill development

Methods of Assessment

The assessment of communication skills takes place through the reports and presentations, where higher skill levels will result in higher overall marks

Present findings through written reports

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Any assignment or coursework or project work involves the communication of mathematical ideas, and these skills are thus embedded indirectly in any module.
Any report or presentation will provide an explicit learning opportunity, where the increase in mathematical difficulty at higher levels will provide a means for communication skill development

Methods of Assessment

The assessment of communication skills takes place through the reports and presentations, where higher skill levels will result in higher overall marks

Communicate mathematical ideas and concepts

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Any assignment or coursework or project work involves the communication of mathematical ideas, and these skills are thus embedded indirectly in any module.
Any report or presentation will provide an explicit learning opportunity, where the increase in mathematical difficulty at higher levels will provide a means for communication skill development

Methods of Assessment

The assessment of communication skills takes place through the reports and presentations, where higher skill levels will result in higher overall marks

Use computer technology efficiently for a variety of purposes

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Developed primarily within computer science through practical work, projects, assignments and other coursework activities and individual learning
Basic mathematical modelling skills are developed through the mathematical modelling module and the computer algebra module. Numerical analysis and statistics oriented modules have associated computer –oriented tasks, where students can develop skills in the use of appropriate specialist software
In the project modules, further opportunities to use mathematical software may be available.
Written reports develop skills in the use of word-processing software, while the presentations can develop skills in the use of presentation software

Methods of Assessment

Assessed through practical work, projects, assignments and other coursework activities and individual learning
Computer modelling skills are primarily assessed through reports and presentations associated with work carried out using mathematical software.
The main test in Computer Algebra takes place through a direct assessment of their use of appropriate software
Computer skills in word-processing and presentation development are assessed implicitly in the project and presentation assessment


Programme Requirements

Module Title

Module Code

Level/ stage







S1 S2 Core Option Coursework % Practical % Examination %
Analysis and Calculus AMA1020 1 30 YES YES 24 weeks N YES 10% 0% 90%
Numbers, Vectors and Matrices PMA1020 1 30 YES YES 24 weeks N YES 10% 0% 90%
Mathematical Reasoning PMA1021 1 10 YES 12 weeks N YES 100% 0% 0%
Mathematical Modelling AMA1021 1 10 YES 12 weeks N YES 80% 20% 0%
Programming CSC1020 1 40 YES YES 24 weeks N YES 30% 70% 0%
Fluid Mechanics AMA2005 2 20 YES 12 weeks Y YES 20% 0% 80%
Analysis PMA2002 2 20 YES 12 weeks Y YES 40% 0% 60%
Numerical Analysis AMA2004 2 20 YES 12 weeks Y YES 10% 40% 50%
Classical Mechanics AMA2001 2 20 YES 12 weeks Y YES 40% 0% 60%
Group Theory PMA2008 2 20 YES 12 weeks Y YES 20% 0% 80%
Professional Computing Practice CSC2011 2 10 YES YES 24 weeks N YES 85% 15% 0%
Data Structures, Algorithms and Programming Languages CSC2040 2 30 YES YES 24 weeks Y YES 30% 30% 40%
Software Development - Processes and Practice CSC2044 2 30 YES YES 24 weeks Y YES 100% 0% 0%
Theory of Computation CSC2047 2 30 YES YES 24 weeks Y YES 60% 0% 40%
Introduction to Partial Differential Equations AMA2008 2 10 YES 6 weeks Y YES 60% 40% 0%
Graph Theory PMA2021 2 20 YES 12 weeks Y YES 20% 0% 80%
Linear Algebra & Complex Variables PMA2020 2 30 YES YES 18 weeks Y YES 10% 0% 90%
Electromagnetic Theory AMA3001 3 20 YES 12 weeks N YES 30% 0% 70%
Quantum Theory AMA3002 3 20 YES 12 weeks N YES 30% 0% 70%
Linear & Dynamic Programming SOR3001 3 20 YES 12 weeks Y YES 10% 20% 70%
Tensor Field Theory AMA3003 3 20 YES 12 weeks N YES 0% 20% 80%
Partial Differential Equations AMA3006 3 20 YES 12 weeks N YES 0% 20% 80%
Computer Algebra PMA3008 3 20 YES 12 weeks N YES 0% 100% 0%
Ring Theory PMA3012 3 20 YES 12 weeks Y YES 20% 0% 80%
Set Theory PMA3014 3 20 YES 12 weeks Y YES 0% 30% 70%
Financial Mathematics AMA3007 3 20 YES 12 weeks N YES 30% 0% 70%
Mathematical Investigations PMA3013 3 20 YES 12 weeks N YES 100% 0% 0%
Concurrent Programming CSC3021 3 20 YES 12 weeks Y YES 50% 50% 0%
Formal Methods CSC3001 3 20 YES 12 weeks Y YES 30% 0% 70%
Calculus of Variations & Hamiltonian Mechanics AMA3013 3 20 YES 12 weeks N YES 30% 0% 70%
Mathematical Modelling in Biology and Medicine AMA3014 3 20 YES 12 weeks N YES 20% 30% 50%
Metric and Normed Spaces PMA3017 3 20 YES 12 weeks Y YES 20% 0% 80%
Algebraic Equations PMA3018 3 20 YES 12 weeks Y YES 20% 0% 80%
Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics CSC3060 3 20 YES 12 weeks Y YES 40% 60% 0%
Video Analytics and Machine Learning CSC3061 3 20 YES 12 weeks N YES 30% 30% 40%
Applied Mathematics Project AMA3011 3 20 YES 12 weeks N YES 100% 0% 0%


At Stage 1 - Students must take the 5 compulsory modules

At Stage 2 Students must take an approved combination of modules for a total of 120 CATS points chosen from the list. The choice must include AMA2008, PMA2020 and at least 40 CATS credits of Computer Science modules, including CSC2040 Data Structures, Algorithms and Programming Languages. To avail of the full range of Pure Maths modules at Level 3 Students should include PMA2002 in their choice. Not every module will be offered every year.

At Stage 3 Students must take an approved combination of Level 3 modules with a total weight of 120 CAT Points. The choice must include either PMA3013 or AMA3011. Computer Science modules taken must be at least 40 CATS credits. Mathematics modules taken must be at least 40 CATS credits.