BSW Social Work – Graduate Entry
Academic Year 2017/18
A programme specification is required for any programme on which a student may be registered. All programmes of the University are subject to the University's Quality Assurance and Enhancement processes as set out in the DASA Policies and Procedures Manual.
Programme Title |
BSW Social Work – Graduate Entry |
Final Award |
Bachelor of Social Work |
Programme Code |
UCAS Code |
L501 |
JACS Code |
L500 (DESCR) 100 |
Criteria for Admissions Graduates |
Awarding Institution/Body |
Queen's University Belfast |
Teaching Institution |
Queen's University Belfast |
School/Department |
Social Sciences, Education and Social Work |
Framework for Higher Education Qualification Level |
Level 6 |
QAA Benchmark Group |
Social work (2008) |
Accreditations (PSRB) |
Northern Ireland Social Care Council |
Date of most recent Accreditation Visit 30-06-14 |
Does the Programme have any approved exemptions from the University General Regulations None |
Programme Specific Regulations The Northern Ireland Social Care Council (NISCC) accredits the programme and all students must register with NISCC and this registration must be maintained for the duration of the programme. NISCC is solely empowered to admit and retain students on its register. |
Students with protected characteristics N/A |
Are students subject to Fitness to Practise Regulations (Please see General Regulations) Yes |
To provide a positive learning environment to enable graduate students to develop the knowledge, skills and values to demonstrate competence in social work in accordance with the requirements as set down by the Northern Ireland Framework Specification, 2014.
To provide graduate students with a creative range of high quality teaching and learning opportunities, based on principles of adult learning and utilising their graduate skills, to enable them to meet the academic standards of the BSW degree.
To provide graduate students with the opportunity to understand, analyse and critique the impact of social inequalities, injustice, discrimination and oppression on individuals, families and communities.
To provide graduate students with the opportunity to develop the necessary skills required for effective, competent and ethically sound practice.
To provide graduate students with the opportunity to develop critical, analytical and reflective skills relevant to both the academic and practice components of the programme.
To provide a learning environment for graduate students, which promotes continuous professional development, professional accountability and professional responsibility.
To provide a learning environment for graduate students to develop an approach to social work which enables service users to gain, regain or maintain control over their own lives in so far as this is compatible with their own or others safety or rights.
Learning Outcomes: Cognitive SkillsOn the completion of this course successful students will be able to: |
Critically analyse theories and perspectives and apply to practice related social issues and problems. |
Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies Lectures, tutorials and practice placement Methods of Assessment Assignments, student presentations and exams |
Problem-solve by effective use of theory and knowledge in relation to personal and social problems |
Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies Lectures, skills workshops, tutorials and practice placement Methods of Assessment Assignments, student presentations and exams |
Relate theory to practice in ways which demonstrate effective and coherent interventions in practice. |
Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies Lectures, tutorials and practice placement Methods of Assessment Assignments, student presentations and exams |
Relate theory to practice in ways that demonstrate ability to critically evaluate practice and policy. |
Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies Lectures, tutorials and practice placement Methods of Assessment Assignments, student presentations and exams |
Use research to inform, direct and evaluate social work practice and outcomes. |
Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies Lectures, tutorials and practice placement Methods of Assessment Assignments, student presentations and exams |
Use research to develop critical perspectives in social work. |
Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies Lectures, tutorials and practice placement Methods of Assessment Assignments, student presentations and exams |
Learning Outcomes: Knowledge & UnderstandingOn the completion of this course successful students will be able to: |
Psychological, sociological and social policy perspectives relevant to social work knowledge, skills and practice. |
Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies Lectures, tutorials and practice placement Methods of Assessment Assignments, student presentations and exams. |
The nature and causes of social problems which lead individuals, families and communities to require social work intervention. |
Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies Lectures, skills workshops, tutorials and practice placement Methods of Assessment Assignments, student presentations and exams. |
The range of social service provision in statutory, voluntary and private agencies aimed at meeting the needs of individuals, families groups and communities. |
Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies Lectures, skills workshops, tutorials and practice placement Methods of Assessment Assignments, student presentations and exams. |
The relationship between social care and professional social work within a range of social service provision in statutory, voluntary and private agencies. |
Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies Lectures, skills workshops, tutorials and practice placement Methods of Assessment Assignments, student presentations and exams. |
The relationship between professional social work and other disciplines and skills required for effective inter-disciplinary, inter-agency and inter-professional partnerships and collaboration. |
Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies Lectures, skills workshops, tutorials and practice placement Methods of Assessment Assignments, student presentations, exams and Practice Teacher assessment of practice. |
The processes, nature and effects of marginalisation, social exclusion, discrimination and oppression on individuals, families and communities. |
Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies Lectures, skills workshops, tutorials and practice placement Methods of Assessment Assignments, student presentations, exams and Practice Teacher assessment of practice. |
The nature and effects of social differences based on class, gender, religion, race, ethnicity, sexuality, ability, mental health and other processes of social stratification on individuals, families and communities. |
Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies Lectures, skills workshops, tutorials and practice placement Methods of Assessment Assignments, student presentations, exams and Practice Teacher assessment of practice. |
The relationship between agency policy, procedure, legal and professional requirements and the delivery of professional social work practice. |
Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies Lectures, tutorials and practice placement Methods of Assessment Assignments, exams and Practice Teacher assessment of practice. |
The location of contemporary social work within both a historical and comparative perspective with particular reference to Northern Ireland and including European and international perspectives |
Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies Lectures, tutorials and practice placement Methods of Assessment Assignments, student presentations and exams. |
A range of methods and models of assessment with particular emphasis on risk assessment. |
Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies Lectures, skills workshops, tutorials and practice placement Methods of Assessment Assignments, student presentations, exams and Practice Teacher assessment of practice. |
A range of methods and models of intervention with individuals, families, groups and communities. |
Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies Lectures, tutorials and practice placement Methods of Assessment Assignments, student presentations, exams and Practice Teacher assessment of practice. |
Methods and models of evaluation of professional intervention and service delivery which emphasises evidence based practice approaches. |
Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies Lectures, skills workshops, tutorials and practice placement Methods of Assessment Assignments, student presentations, exams and Practice Teacher assessment of practice. |
The relevance of research - local, national and international – to contemporary social work practice. |
Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies Lectures, tutorials and practice placement Methods of Assessment Assignments, student presentations and exams. |
The importance of self-reflection and use of supervision to ensure practice is professional, responsibility, accountable and competent. |
Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies Lectures, skills workshops, tutorials and practice placement Methods of Assessment Assignments, student presentations, evaluation of formative skills assessment, and Practice Teacher assessment of practice. |
The conceptual links between values, codes of ethical practice, regulation of professional conduct and delivery of ethically sound practice. |
Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies Lectures, skills workshops, tutorials and practice placement Methods of Assessment Assignments, student presentations, exams and Practice Teacher assessment of practice. |
The relevance of community and information technology to social work practice and social work organisations. |
Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies Lectures, tutorials and practice placement Methods of Assessment Assignments, exams and Practice Teacher assessment of practice. |
Learning Outcomes: Subject SpecificOn the completion of this course successful students will be able to: |
Prepare for and work with individuals, families, carers, groups and communities to assess their needs and circumstances |
Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies Lectures, tutorials and practice placement Methods of Assessment Assignments, formative skills assessment, and Practice Teacher assessment of practice. |
Plan, carry out, review and evaluate social work practice with individuals, families, carers, groups, communities and other professionals |
Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies Lectures, tutorials and practice placement Methods of Assessment Assignments, formative skills assessment, and Practice Teacher assessment of practice. |
Support individuals to represent their needs, views and circumstances. |
Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies Lectures, tutorials and practice placement Methods of Assessment Assignments and Practice Teacher assessment of practice. |
Manage risk to individuals, families, carers, groups, communities, self and colleagues. |
Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies Lectures, tutorials and practice placement Methods of Assessment Assignments and Practice Teacher assessment of practice. |
Manage and be accountable, with supervision and support, for own social work practice. |
Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies Lectures, tutorials and practice placement Methods of Assessment Assignments and Practice Teacher assessment of practice. |
Demonstrate and be responsible for professional competence in social work practice. |
Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies Lectures, tutorials and practice placement Methods of Assessment Assignments and Practice Teacher assessment of practice. |
Learning Outcomes: Transferable SkillsOn the completion of this course successful students will be able to: |
Advanced skills in communication, oral presentation, negotiation, problem solving, management of self and others, networking and teamwork. |
Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies Lectures, skills workshops, tutorials and practice placement Methods of Assessment Assignments, student presentations, formative skills assessment, and Practice Teacher assessment of practice. |
Beginning skills in working with quantitative and statistical data from an evidence based practice perspective |
Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies Lectures, tutorials and practice placement Methods of Assessment Assignments, student presentations and exams |
Skills in effective use of communication and information technology appropriate to a professional social worker. |
Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies Lectures, skills workshops, tutorials and practice placement Methods of Assessment Assignments, student presentations and Practice Teacher assessment of practice. |
Beginning skills in managing their continuous professional development and lifelong learning. |
Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies Lectures, skills workshops, tutorials and practice placement Methods of Assessment Assignments, student presentations, formative skills assessment, and Practice Teacher assessment of practice. |
Skills in working effectively in social welfare organisations |
Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies Lectures, skills workshops, tutorials and practice placement Methods of Assessment Assignments, student presentations, formative skills assessment, and Practice Teacher assessment of practice. |
Programme Requirements
Module Title |
Module Code |
Level/ stage |
Credits |
Availability |
Duration |
Pre-requisite |
Assessment |
S1 | S2 | Core | Option | Coursework % | Practical % | Examination % | ||||||
Law for Social Workers | SWK2003 | 2 | 20 | YES | 12 weeks | N | YES | 100% | 0% | 0% | ||
Social Work Theory and Preparation for Practice Learning | SWK2007 | 2 | 20 | YES | 12 weeks | N | YES | 100% | 0% | 0% | ||
Practice Learning RGR2 | SWK2015 | 2 | 20 | YES | 17 weeks | N | YES | 100% | 0% | 0% | ||
Evidence Informed Case Study (RGR2) | SWK2016 | 2 | 40 | YES | 17 weeks | N | YES | 100% | 0% | 0% | ||
Introduction to Social Sciences for Social Work | SWK2017 | 2 | 20 | YES | 12 weeks | N | YES | 100% | 0% | 0% | ||
Social Work with Children and Families | SWK3003 | 3 | 20 | YES | 12 weeks | N | YES | 100% | 0% | 0% | ||
Social Work in Adult Services | SWK3004 | 3 | 20 | YES | 12 weeks | N | YES | 100% | 0% | 0% | ||
Social Work in Criminal Justice and the Courts | SWK3008 | 3 | 20 | YES | 12 weeks | N | YES | 100% | 0% | 0% | ||
Evidence Informed Project (Level 3) | SWK3010 | 3 | 40 | YES | 20 weeks | N | YES | 100% | 0% | 0% | ||
Practice Learning Level 3 | SWK3009 | 3 | 20 | YES | 20 weeks | N | YES | 100% | 0% | 0% |
Stage 2: Students must have passed SWK2007 to be permitted to undertake their practice learning opportunity.