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Undergraduate Programme Specification

MSci Food Quality, Safety and Nutrition

Academic Year 2021/22

A programme specification is required for any programme on which a student may be registered. All programmes of the University are subject to the University's Quality Assurance processes. All degrees are awarded by Queen's University Belfast.

Programme Title MSci Food Quality, Safety and Nutrition Final Award
(exit route if applicable for Postgraduate Taught Programmes)
Master in Science
Programme Code FQS-MSCI-S UCAS Code DB64 HECoS Code 100527 - Food science - 50
101018 - Food safety - 50
ATAS Clearance Required No
Mode of Study Full Time
Type of Programme Undergraduate Master Length of Programme Full Time - 4 Academic Year(s) Total Credits for Programme 480
Exit Awards available

Institute Information

Teaching Institution

Queen's University Belfast


Biological Sciences

Quality Code

Higher Education Credit Framework for England

Level 7

Subject Benchmark Statements

The Frameworks for Higher Education Qualifications of UK Degree-Awarding Bodies

Agriculture, horticulture, forestry, food and consumer sciences (2009)

Accreditations (PSRB)

Regulation Information

Does the Programme have any approved exemptions from the University General Regulations
(Please see General Regulations)


Programme Specific Regulations

The following regulations should be read in conjunction with the University’s General Regulations.
Transfers to and from the programme
Students enrolled on BSc in Food Quality, Safety and Nutrition may transfer into this programme at any stage provided they have a weighted mean mark of at least 60%. Students enrolled on this pathway may transfer to BSc in Food Quality, Safety and Nutrition up until the end of Stage 3.

To progress from Stage 3 to Stage 4, students must obtain a weighted mean mark across Stage 1, 2 and 3 of at least 60% and attain a minimum mark of 60% in the Honours project module. Students who do not meet these requirements will be required to transfer to the BSc in Food Quality, Safety and Nutrition
Degree Classification
The following module weightings should be used when calculating the honours classification: Stage 1 5%, Stage 2 15%, Stage 3 30%, Stage 4 50%.

Students with protected characteristics

The programme does not contain barriers to access for progress among protected groups.

Are students subject to Fitness to Practise Regulations

(Please see General Regulations)


Educational Aims Of Programme

On completion of the programme the student will be able to:

1. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the key scientific disciplines relevant to food and nutrition.

2. Demonstrate an ability to extend knowledge and understanding of food through a scientific approach.

3. Demonstrate an ability to apply and communicate knowledge of food and nutrition to meet the needs of society, industry and the consumer for sustainable food quality including nutrition, safety and security of supply.

4. Demonstrate an ability to apply nutritional information to health status and the interaction between diet, health and disease.

5. Devise, manage and critically evaluate project work.

6. Demonstrate competence in subject specific and key skills, problem solving and a professional approach to work, study and life-long learning.

7. Demonstrate the ability to propose, plan and carry out high quality research work in the discipline.

Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcomes: Cognitive Skills

On the completion of this course successful students will be able to:

1. recognising and using appropriate theories, concepts and principles from all of the programmes disciplines.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

lectures, case studies, directed and independent reading.

Methods of Assessment

examinations and reports.

2. collecting and integrating several lines of evidence and applying them in a balanced way in an argument.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

project work, case studies, and project work.

Methods of Assessment

examinations, reports and essays.

3. designing an experiment, investigation, survey or other means to test an hypothesis or proposition.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

practicals and project work.

Methods of Assessment


4. critically analysing information, synthesising and summarising the outcomes.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

practicals, interactive teaching sessions and project work.

Methods of Assessment

reports, essays and examinations.

5. applying knowledge and understanding to address familiar and novel problems.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

lectures, practicals, case studies and project work.

Methods of Assessment

examinations and reports.

6. demonstrating awareness of the provisional nature of the facts and principles associated with a field of study. appreciating the difficulties of having incomplete information on which to base decisions;

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

practicals, lectures, directed and independent reading.

Methods of Assessment


7. understanding the nature of risk.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

practicals, lectures, case studies, directed and independent reading.

Methods of Assessment


8. reflecting on and evaluating own performance as an individual and as a team member.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

practicals, peer and self -review, feedback and group work.

Methods of Assessment

Self- evaluation and peer evaluation.

9. recognising the moral and ethical issues related to the subject.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

lectures, case studies, work placement work, directed and independent reading.

Methods of Assessment

examinations and reports.

10. Design, plan and manage a significant sized research project

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Through their MSci research project

Methods of Assessment

Project proposal, research diary, interim reports and dissertation.

11. Demonstrate the ability to evaluate, problem solve and make decisions based on their own and others evidence.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Review of own and others work, through literature and practice.

Methods of Assessment

Project proposal, interim reports, presentation.

Learning Outcomes: Knowledge & Understanding

On the completion of this course successful students will be able to:

1. Describe and understand the biochemical, chemical, physical and biological factors underlying the behaviour (during processing and storage), synthesis and metabolism of food materials.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

lectures, practicals and interactive sessions, directed and independent reading.

Methods of Assessment

examinations, essays, reports, presentations and practical reports.

2. Understand the role of diet, foods and nutrients in the maintenance of health and the prevention or causation of disease or dysfunction throughout the lifecycle.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

lectures, case studies, directed and independent reading.

Methods of Assessment

examinations, essays and reports.

3. Explain and safely use methods of chemical and microbiological analysis of relevance to food.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

practicals, directed and independent reading.

Methods of Assessment

practical reports and examinations.

4. Describe and evaluate the principles and practice of food processing operations and food preservation systems and packaging.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

lectures, case studies, practicals, visits, directed and independent reading.

Methods of Assessment

examinations, essays and reports.

5. Understand and be able to assess food quality through the use of sensory and other techniques.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

lectures, case studies, practicals, directed and independent reading.

Methods of Assessment

examinations, practical reports, presentations and reports.

6. Demonstrate an understanding of food legislation, risk [from chemical and allergenic compounds], hygiene and waste management systems.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

lectures, case studies, directed and independent reading.

Methods of Assessment

examinations, reports and essays .

7. Describe the main aspects of the business environment in which food businesses operate and recognise the impact of management principles on the decision making process.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

lectures, visits, business games, case studies, directed and independent reading.

Methods of Assessment

examination and reports.

8. Understanding of the economic, social and behavioural factors that influence food supply, choice, access and consumption.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

lectures, case studies, interactive sessions, directed and independent reading.

Methods of Assessment

examinations, essays and reports.

9. Apply knowledge to a range of work-related situations.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

case studies and work based learning.

Methods of Assessment

reports and portfolio.

10. Show in-depth knowledge and understanding of a specific aspect of the subject

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

Through the MSci project

Methods of Assessment

Interim reports, dissertation and presentation for MSci project

Learning Outcomes: Subject Specific

On the completion of this course successful students will be able to:

1. Understanding of the derivation and purpose of dietary reference values, and sources and uses of standards and other reference data.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

lectures, practicals, directed and independent reading

Methods of Assessment

examinations and reports.

2. An understanding of links between evidence and action as a basis for policy concerned with food and nutrition in relation to public health.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

cases studies, directed and independent reading.

Methods of Assessment

examinations and reports.

3. construct, review and critically appraise HACCP plans for food processes.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

project work and case studies.

Methods of Assessment

reports and examinations.

4. planning, conducting, and reporting on investigations, including the use of secondary data;

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

practicals, project work and case studies.

Methods of Assessment


5. collecting and recording information or data in the library, laboratory or field and summarising it using appropriate qualitative and/or quantitative techniques;

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

practicals, case studies, project work and computer sessions.

Methods of Assessment


6. devising, planning and undertaking field and laboratory investigations in a responsible and safe manner, paying due attention to risk assessment, rights of access, relevant health and safety regulations, legal requirements and sensitivity to the impact of investigations on the environment and stakeholders;

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

lectures, practicals, work placement work and project work.

Methods of Assessment

reports, portfolio and examinations.

7. appreciating and analysing financial and other management information and using it in decision making.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

lectures, cases studies, management games and work placement work.

Methods of Assessment

reports, portfolio and examinations.

Learning Outcomes: Transferable Skills

On the completion of this course successful students will be able to:

1. preparing, processing, interpreting and presenting data, using appropriate qualitative and quantitative techniques and packages; appreciating issues of sample selection, accuracy, precision (ALL MODULES).

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

practicals, cases studies, group and individual projects.

Methods of Assessment


2. solving numerical problems using computer-based and non-computer based techniques.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

practicals, computer sessions and project work.

Methods of Assessment


3. receiving, evaluating and responding to a variety of information sources (eg electronic, textual, numerical, verbal, graphical); (ALL MODULES).

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

practicals and project work.

Methods of Assessment


4. communicating accurately, clearly, concisely, confidently and appropriately to a variety of audiences in written, verbal and graphical forms; (ALL MODULES).

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

directed and independent reading, interactive sessions, practicals and case studies.

Methods of Assessment

examinations, presentations, reports and essays.

5. contributing constructively to group discussions; (ALL MODULES).

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

presentations, interactive sessions, coursework feedback.

Methods of Assessment

presentations, reports and peer review.

6. using the internet critically as a means of communication and information retrieval; (ALL MODULES).

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

interactive sessions, group work, (pairs to larger groups).

Methods of Assessment

presentations and reports.

7. demonstrating competence in the use of computer-based information handling and software packages including data processing tools.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

computer instruction and coursework feedback.

Methods of Assessment

assessed through
practical reports, presentations and essays.

8. using computer packages to create effective ways to communicate information (ALL MODULES).

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

computer instruction practicals.

Methods of Assessment

essays, reports and presentations.

9. planning, allocating and evaluating the work of self, individuals and teams/groups.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies


Methods of Assessment

reports and presentations.

10. recognising, respecting and evaluating the views and opinions of other team/group members.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

coursework self- evaluation, coursework deadlines, peer review, cross student assessment and work placement.

Methods of Assessment

coursework feedback, peer review and portfolio.

11. reflecting on and evaluating own performance as an individual and as a team member.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

interactive sessions, groups work and practicals.

Methods of Assessment

peer review.

12. developing the skills necessary for self-managed and lifelong learning (e.g. working independently, adaptability, time management and organisational skills) (ALL MODULES).

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

mock interview and feedback, group work, work placement reflection.

Methods of Assessment

peer review, mock interview and portfolio.

13. identifying and working towards targets for personal, academic and career development.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

coursework and work placement.

Methods of Assessment

overall success on the programme.

14. displaying the potential for competence, behaviour and attitudes required in a professional working life including initiative, leadership, team skills and appreciating the need for professional codes of conduct where applicable.

Teaching/Learning Methods and Strategies

tutorial system, career development sessions, group work and work placement.

Methods of Assessment

assessed through placement host assessment and portfolio in work placement.

Module Information

Stages and Modules

Module Title Module Code Level/ stage Credits


Duration Pre-requisite


S1 S2 Core Option Coursework % Practical % Examination %
Chemistry and Composition of Foods BIO1303 1 40 YES YES 24 weeks N YES 5% 35% 60%
The World of Microorganisms BIO1301 1 40 YES YES 24 weeks N YES 40% 0% 60%
Fundamentals of Nutrition and Food Policy BIO1302 1 40 YES YES 24 weeks N YES 25% 15% 60%
Principles of Food Quality BIO2101 2 20 YES 12 weeks N YES 50% 0% 50%
Instrumental Food Analysis BIO2201 2 20 YES 12 weeks N YES 80% 0% 20%
'Food Innovation, Diet & Health' BIO2302 2 40 YES YES 24 weeks N YES 35% 15% 50%
Work Placement BIO2303 2 20 YES YES 24 weeks N YES 100% 0% 0%
Food Commodities, Processing and Hygiene BIO2301 2 40 YES YES 24 weeks N YES 50% 0% 50%
Clinical Nutrition BIO3001 3 20 YES 12 weeks N YES 40% 0% 60%
Food Supply Chain Safety and Security BIO3301 3 40 YES YES 24 weeks N YES 40% 0% 60%
Food Product Development BIO3201 3 20 YES 10 weeks N YES 35% 5% 60%
Project (FQN) BIO3302 3 40 YES YES 24 weeks N YES 100% 0% 0%
Business Innovation and Entrepreneurship BIO3101 3 20 YES 12 weeks N YES 100% 0% 0%
Research Project (MSci) BIO4301 4 120 YES YES 24 weeks N YES 75% 25% 0%


Stage 1: Students will take the 3 compulsory modules listed equivalent to 120CATS Teaching weeks only. Examinations are held at the end of semester 2.

Stage 2: Students will take the compulsory modules listed one one optional total 120 CATS

Stage 3: Students will take the 3 compulsory modules [100 CATS] and 1 optional module [20 CATS] to give a total of 120 CATS.

Stage 4: Students will take the compulsory module listed equivalent to 120CATS