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Transgenerational legacy and young people

Dr. Siobhan McAlister, Dr Mary-Louise Corr and Dr. Clare Dwyer completed a research project, commissioned by the Commission for Victims and Survivors NI, which aimed to investigate the continuing transgenerational impacts of the Troubles/Conflict on the lives of children and young people, and parents throughout Northern Ireland and the Border Region of Ireland. 

Adopting a Child-Rights based approach which embedded the participation of young people throughout, the study collected the views and experiences of 195 individuals across seven research sites, including key stakeholders, community workers, parents and 104 children and young people aged 14-24. The analysis examines the ways in which young people learn about the past and their identity and culture, and the impacts of this learning.Over twenty years after the Good Friday/Belfast Agreement the research demonstrates the impacts of conflict legacy on young people, families and communities across four themes: Divided Space; Health and Well-being; Family Life and Parenting; Paramilitarism and Policing. Child rights implications and recommendations for policy and practice are considered.

The full report can be downloaded .

The Summary report can be downloaded .
