Queen's collaboration with Belfast Trust wins Digital DNA 'Tech For Good' Innovation Award 2020
A collaboration between the School of Nursing and Midwifery and the Belfast Trust (RJMS) has been awarded this year's Digital DNA 'Tech For Good' Innovation Award.

This prize is awarded to projects from Northern Ireland that have developed a socially responsible and innovative technological response to an issue that is affecting wider society in Northern Ireland or further afield in the last 12 months.
Recognising that although resuscitation of new-born babies is a pivotal competency for undergraduate and newly qualified midwives (as well as other registered healthcare professionals, such as junior neonatal staff, medics and nurses), many are left feeling unprepared and anxious to perform resuscitative tasks, the project aimed to enhance inter-professional learning by providing opportunities for students, and registered professionals, to increase their knowledge, confidence and skills in a more conducive, flexible, and learner-centred environment than was previously available to them. The result was the development of an interactive, multi-modal training package, which has now been made freely available to all places of health education and practice.
Commenting on the award, Matt Birch, eLearning developer, School of Nursing and Midwifery at Queen's, said:
"We are delighted to receive the Digital DNA 'Tech For Good' Innovation Award, which recognises a project that has been widely heralded within the healthcare community as a tool of quality and relevance, providing the malleability and memorability necessary to significantly enhance both synchronous and asynchronous learning activities, as well as act as an essential aid to self-directed learning.
"As a project team, we are immensely proud of the positive impact that has been delivered. Students have provided glowing feedback, noting that the resource not only better prepared them for practice by providing scenarios that covered emergencies both in the Delivery Suite and the Neonatal Unit, but also helped them better understand the often-hidden roles of other staff within the multi-disciplinary team."
The Neonatal Resuscitation Project Team consisted of Sharon Nurse, Senior Lecturer, Midwifery and Neonatal Studies, Queen's University Belfast; Matt Birch, eLearning developer, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Queen's University Belfast; and Maureen O'Dowd, Sandra Cairns and Una Robinson from the Neonatal Resuscitation Team, Belfast Trust.
For more information, contact nursing@qub.ac.uk.