CRUK International Symposium on Oesophageal Cancer 2019
Oesophageal Cancer Conference, London

The biennial CRUK Oesophageal Cancer Symposium took place in the historical Royal Institution in London this April. This was an event for oesophageal cancer researchers to meet and discuss the unmet needs and recent discoveries relating to OAC research around the world. Organised and hosted by Professor Rebecca Fitzgerald and Professor Laurence Lovat, this was a fantastic opportunity for early stage researchers to learn from some of the top OAC researchers from across the globe, while offering them an opportunity to present their research and receive feedback in return.
ESR4, Niamh McCabe from QUB and ESR5, Ewelina Flis from TCD attended and presented their posters at this conference. It provided them the time to network with each other's respective lab groups, getting advice and feedback on how their projects will progress.
This was an action-packed programme of speakers, encompassing the different aspects of OAC research including the importance of epidemiological research and bioinformatics in driving scientific rationale and research focus. The networking dinner took place in Quaglino's, offering further opportunities to meet other researchers from throughout the UK and further afield, providing both advice and motivation for the ESRs' final year.
Niamh McCabe
Queen's University Belfast