Go Global Week 2019 at Queen’s University
Each year, Queen’s University works with a range of partners to increase the number of overseas opportunities for students.

Over 800 Queen's students take the opportunity each year to go outside Northern Ireland to study, work or volunteer and, this October, a dedicated week has been organised to provide students with an insight into what is on offer.
Organised by the University’s Global Opportunities Team, this year’s annual ‘Go Global Week’ is taking place at Queen’s from 7 – 11 October and is designed to let students see the breadth of opportunities available across the world.
There will be 24 information sessions running in the One Elmwood Student Centre throughout the week and over 30 exhibitors at the International Fair on Wednesday 9 October from 12-3pm in the Whitla Hall.
Conleth Burns, Global Opportunities Officer at Queen’s, encourages students to attend the Fair and information sessions; “This dedicated Week is an ideal platform to let students see exactly what’s on offer and the wonderful opportunities available to combine travel with academic studies, volunteering or work placements. It’s a great way to meet organisations that can offer you an experience of a lifetime and also hear from students who have been out on these opportunities. We are also aware that cost can be a major barrier to students undertaking these opportunities and so we have more emphasis on funding opportunities at this year’s events”
The Global Opportunities Team coordinate, support and promote many of these opportunities including Erasmus, Study USA, Washington Ireland Programme, University Exchange Programmes, Generation UK-China and many more.
For further information, click here.
Media enquiries to Communications Office on comms.office@qub.ac.uk or tel: +44 (0)28 9097 3091.