News and Media
We make a global impact through excellence in research and innovation.
Explore our latest research that is helping to shape a better world, find a relevant academic to provide commentary or analysis and explore our wide-ranging catalogue of podcasts.

Are you looking for an academic to provide expert commentary/analysis for a news story/documentary?
Our experts directory is a searchable database of Queen’s academics who are interested in talking to the media about their areas of expertise.
If you cannot find the right expert, please contact Queen’s Communications Office and a member of the team will be able to help you.

Discover a diverse world of knowledge and ideas with our collection of university podcasts.
Here, we bring you a wide range of discussions and thought-provoking conversations that delve into everything rom student life to environmental activism. Whether you're passionate about women's place in Irish history, eager to explore the Seamus Heaney Centre, or curious about the latest developments in global food security, our podcasts offer a gateway to the minds of experts, scholars, and thought leaders.

Keep up to date with recent talks and lectures taking place at Queen's.
We've curated recordings of our recent lecture series for you to enjoy from the comfort of your own home.