As a study abroad student at Queen's there is much flexibility in the classes you can take with options in everything from Anthropology, Sociology, Economics, Philosophy and much more! The application to study abroad at Queen's is an online process, and when completing your application you should be aware the courses you will be studying at Queen's are referred to as 'modules.' You will study three Modules during your Study Abroad semester with us.
Please click on the link above to see a full list of modules available to you for selection and futher information below explaining module levels and sample pathways to give you an idea of possible choice combinations.

Please click the link above to submit your application. Applications will close for Fall 2021 on 6 June 2021 and for Spring 2022 on 19 October 2021.
When completing your application, dont forget:
- For Question 40: “Who will be responsible for paying your tuition fees?” you should answer “My home university/college.”
- The Module Selection section of the application form deals with what classes you will be taking at Queen’s. You will be studying three QUB modules (total of 60 CATs), so please select a minimum of three modules you wish to study and then three more back up modules in case your preferred module choices are not available. Please input these in order of preference.
Once you have clicked 'submit' your application will be sent to the Global Opportunities Team at Queen's who will review your application.