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Sólás - Support Tutor for Kids Den Homework Club

Activity Overview

Level of Study

Undergraduate, Postgraduate Taught/Masters, Postgraduate Research

Award Type

Single Route

Kids Educational Den for children aged 4-11 who are based in the local areas and are on their schools’ Special Needs Register, stage 1- 4. They may not have a diagnosis but there is clearly concerns about their educational / social development and these children will therefore benefit from one on one tutoring support which is offered after school. Support Tutors will be expected to play a role in children’s educational development. Support Tutors will most likely be trainee teachers, those interested in undertaking a PGCE, or those currently under-taking a PGCE. They will be expected to undertake an induction programme which will briefly cover some tools and techniques, used to support children struggling with literacy and numeracy. Tutors will also be expected to undertake child protection training. Tutors will allocated to a minimum of 2 children on the programme. Our Kids Den co-ordinator will brief tutors on the needs of these children and will take the tutor through the children’s Individual Education Plan, as prepared by the children’s school Special Education Needs Co-Ordinator (SENCO). Tutors will be expected to attend the club before the session starts. Tutors will complete the Child’s Support Record form at the end of each session, which documents the activities covered by the tutor at each session. Tutor volunteers will be involved in activities such as trips to QUB, that encourage children to learn and grow and to improve their literacy, numeracy and language skills whilst developing their confidence, interests and creativity. Volunteers will work with our children to help them increase self-esteem and communication skills

Further Information

The contact for student enquiries is