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11th International European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM) Public Sector

Organised in collaboration with the Centre for Not-for-profit and Public-sector Research, Queen’s University 27th and 28th September 2021.

September 27, 2021 - September 28, 2021
09:00 - 18:00

Given the ongoing Covid-19 concerns, this will be an online conference.

The EIASM Public Sector conference facilitates contributions on all aspects of everyday life in public-service organisations. It is a forum for scholarly debate on the challenges facing public services in the 21st century. This includes the manner in which public-service organisations respond to a recessionary and crisis-laden environment. It also includes the impact of changes in technology on public services and the sustainability agenda. Structural changes in service delivery, with more network organisations, are also of interest. The interplay of public, private and nonprofit organisations in public-service challenges is also of interest. The manner in which accounting informs or fails to inform public policy is also relevant to this conference. This conference will also be the basis for a special issue of the journal Financial Accountability & Management.

The conference welcomes interdisciplinary perspectives on public-service issues. Accounting, accountability and governance in public services as captured through the lens of public management, public administration, public policy and social theory are all of interest. Papers on the manner in which public services are managed and the role of accounting, performance and accountability information in management control are particularly welcomed. These may focus on the intersection of accounting practice, management styles and public policy initiatives. Studies of the nature of, and innovations in, accounting and auditing practices in action across the entire spectrum of public-service organisations – central and regional government, local government, health care organisations, non governmental public-sector bodies and agencies – are also of particular interest.

The local organising committee consists of:

Noel Hyndman, Martin Kelly, Danielle McConville, Mariannunziata Liguori and Elaine Stewart, all from Queen’s University, together with Ileana Steccolini (University of Essex) and Irvine Lapsley (University of Edinburgh)

Members of the Scientific Committee are:

Michela Arnaboldi (Polimi)
Henk ter Bogt (Groningen)
Tjerk Budding (Amsterdam)
James Guthrie (Macquarie)
Tom Groot (Amsterdam)
Nathalie Halgand (Nantes)
Jan van Helden (Groningen)
Noel Hyndman (QUB)
Åge Johnsen (Oslo)
Irvine Lapsley (Edinburgh)
Mariannunziata Liguori (QUB)
Riccardo Mussari (Siena)
Vicente Pina (Zaragoza)
Peter Skærbæk  (Copenhagen)
Ileana Steccolini (Essex)
Lourdes Torres (Zaragoza)

Keynote speakers are: 

Geert Bouckaert (Public Governance Institute, KU Leuven)
Chris Carter (Edinburgh Business School)
Kieran Donnelly (Controller and Auditor General, NI Audit Office).


Specific details and the call for papers will appear soon on the EIASM website:



Queen's Management School
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