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Business Model Innovation for Disruptive Technologies | 15th Dec | 10am

‘Business Model Innovation for Disruptive Technologies’ was held online on Wednesday 15 December at 10am as part of the InterTradeIreland All-island Innovation Programme.

Dr Matthew Anderson - AIIP Disruptive Innovation for SMEs
December 15, 2021
10:00 - 11:00

‘Business Model Innovation for Disruptive Technologies’ took place online on Wednesday 15 December, 1000 – 1100,  and was facilitated by Jonatan Pinkse, Professor of Strategy, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship and the Executive Director of the Manchester Institute of Innovation Research (MIoIR), Alliance Manchester Business School, The University of Manchester.

In this online seminar Jonatan explained how business model innovation can help in bringing disruptive technologies to the market.

Based on his recently developed circle framework, he shared how you can use a combination of tactics to let customers see all the different benefits that disruptive technologies might bring to them:

  • Introducing the circle framework to show how business model innovation can be a catalyst for technological innovation.
  • Using business model innovation to overcome initial hesitation of customers to adopt disruptive technologies
  • Presenting three tactics for business model innovation: compensating, enhancing and coupling tactics
  • Applying the circle framework to the cases of machine learning in healthcare and graphene for desalination
  • Explaining how the circle framework can be used to reframe your value proposition

Further information is detailed below.

Seminar Running Order

10.00: Welcome and Introduction

10.05: Business Model Innovation for Disruptive Technologies

10.40: Q&A

11.00: Close

Dr Matthew Anderson - AIIP Disruptive Innovation for SMEs