Training on child participation for the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child

Professor Laura Lundy provided expert advice to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child on enhancing children’s participation in its work, using the Lundy model as a frame for evaluating progress to date. The session, held at Palais Wilson in Geneva in January 2020, focused on the Committee’s interaction with children who meet the Committee during periodic reporting processes for their national governments as well as children involved in international meetings at the UN. The event was a follow-up to a previous session conducted by Prof Lundy in 2013 following which the Committee significantly enhanced its engagement with children.
Working with Child Rights Connect, the Centre for Children’s Rights has demonstrated how to apply a rights-based participatory approach to the work of the Committee, including conducting the first global consultation with children to inform a General Comment ( No. 19 on public expenditure) and involving children in all aspects of Days of General Discussion (for DGD18 on Children Human Rights Defenders). Professor Lundy has also provided expert input into the Committee’s official guidance on involving children in periodic reporting and DGDs.