Meet the Speakers
Key speakers from across the eye and vision community will address the conference with their expertise and experience over the two days.
Professor Alan Bird
Professor Tunde Peto
Dr Claire McEvoy
Dr Imre Lengyel
Professor Alan Bird is one of the world’s most respected ophthalmologists, expert in retinal diseases and imaging technologies and one of the pioneers of fluorescein angiography. On October 1st 2005 Dr Bird retired from full time clinical practice and was appointed Emeritus Professor at London University and Honorary Consultant, Moorfields Eye Hospital so that research and teaching can be continued.
Professor Tunde Peto is Professor of Clinical Ophthalmology and Clinical Lead for the Northern Ireland Diabetic Eye Screening Programme, Queen’s University Belfast and Belfast Health and Social Care Trust
Dr Claire McEvoy is a Lecturer at Queen’s University Belfast, School of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences, whose research investigates the role of nutrition in healthy ageing. She worked as a clinical dietitian for 10 years in the NHS before being awarded a PhD in Public Health Nutrition at Queen’s University Belfast.
Dr Imre Lengyel is a Senior Lecturer QUB Micronutrients and eye-health: Senior Lecturer and expert in micronutrients and eye-health
Professor Martin Friedlander
Prof Alan Stitt
Dr Jose Sousa
Professor Roger Anderson
Dr Frank Albert, Chief of Ophthalmology, The University of Dodoma, Tanzania, Diabetic eye disease in Africa
Prof Alan Stitt QUB, treatment of diabetic retinopathy: expert in vascular mechanisms of diabetic retinopathy and designing relevant molecules for repairing vascular damage
Dr Jose Sousa, QUB Information Systems Manager with expert knoweldge in big data analysis in relation to healthcare and image analysis, enterprise architecture definition, development and experience in life science research, textile and automotive industries.
Roger Anderson is Professor of Optometry and Vision Science at Ulster University. He has published widely in the areas of visual function, visual psychophysics, colour vision, peripheral vision processing, glaucoma and age-related macular degeneration. He is a co-inventor of the Moorfields Acuity Chart, a novel high-pass logMAR letter chart for use in the early detection and monitoring of degenerative retinal conditions.
Miss Julie Silvestri
Mr David Keegan
Dr Frank Sandi
Miss Julie Silvestri:
Miss Silvestri is Clinical Director for Ophthalmic Services at the Belfast Health & Social Care Trust, Honorary Senior Lecturer at the Centre for Experimental Medicine at Queen’s University Belfast; Co-Lead for the NI Clinical Research Network and Visiting Professor the University of Ulster, Coleraine.
Mr David Keegan is a Clinical lead for the Republic of Ireland Diabetic Eye Screening Programme, a vitreoretinal surgeon and inherited disease lead
Dr Frank Sandi is a Fellow of COECSA and a Clinical Instructor in Ophthalmology at The University of Dodoma, Tanzania. He is one of the potential future Global Ophthalmology leaders from Africa with great passion for prevention of blindness from Diabetic Retinopathy by ensuring DM patients are screened well in advance before DR develops.