Queen's staff and students returning to work or study after Maternity Leave, who choose to continue breastfeeding their babies, are welcome to avail of a range of Private Nursing Mothers and Parents' Rooms for expressing milk. All Nursing Mothers and Parents' Rooms are private, equipped with comfortable sofas, armchairs and footstools, have access to an electrical socket for breast pump use, and are located close to bathroom facilities. Please bring your own cool bag for storage and security of your personal milk bottles and take your cool bag with you when returning to your office or study space. All pregnant staff and students are welcome to avail of these private rooms to rest during the day. Staff and students undergoing IVF fertility treatment may also avail of these rooms.
The QGI-SWAN team warmly welcomes the provision of nursing mothers and parents' rooms for staff and students returning to work and study after Maternity Leave. This makes an important contribution towards enhancing culture and life at work for Queen's staff, which is a key area for action in the QUB Institutional Athena Swan Action Plan. It also supports the ongoing development at Queen's of a wider integrated support framework for pregnant staff, those on Maternity Leave and those coming back from Maternity Leave to ensure that there is a supportive workplace environment and a consistent experience.
Locations of the Nursing Mothers and Parents' Rooms and access arrangements are as follows:
6 College Park, Room OG.009 |
Key available from SSESW Reception |
Computer Sciences Building, Room O1.017 |
Room Booking system / Reception |
Crèche, 12 College Gardens |
Central Booking System on QOL Dashboard. The Crèche can also be contacted on 02890 662146 to book access to the room |
David Keir Building, Room OG.445 |
Access arranged at School of Psychology's main office, room OG.509 |
ECIT, Titanic Quarter, Room 02.048B |
Room Booking system / Reception |
14 Lennoxvale, Room OG.013 |
Access arranged at Biological Sciences' Building Reception. |
Main Physics Building, Lower Ground, Room LG.021B, Bottom of Stairwell |
You must book the room in advance via QOL: QOL accounts / Service Applications / Admin / Nursing Room – Maths and Physics The room is available Monday to Friday: 9am - 5pm, (excluding University closure days / public holidays). |
MBC, Ground Floor, Room 02.209B |
Key available from MBC Reception |
RVH Mulhouse Building, Room 01.019 |
Key available from Reception, Level 1 |
School of Nursing and Midwifery |
Access for School staff and students arranged at School Reception |

Breastfeeding mothers and parents who are staff, students or visitors to our campus are welcome to the University Crèche and to use our Nursing Mothers and Parents' Rooms if they wish to breastfeed their baby during the day.
Students and Staff can book access to the room via the Queen's Online (QOL) central booking system, located on the dashboard, (please see 'Nursing Room').
The Crèche can also be contacted on 02890 662146 to book access to the room.
All breastfeeding mothers and parents are welcome to breastfeed their babies in University cafés and locations, all of which are supporters of the 'Breastfeeding Welcome Here' Scheme.
These locations are:
Clements cafés at the Medical Biology Centre and Physical Education Centre. |
HOPE café at the McClay Library |
Junction café, Ground Floor of the Main Site Tower |
Krem café at ECIT, Titanic Quarter |
Naughton Gallery, First Floor, Lanyon Building |
Riddel Hall, conferencing rooms |
Students' Union buildings, Elmwood Avenue and Lisburn Road |
The Great Hall, Main Site |
University Crèche, 11/12 College Gardens |
50 University Road (or via 2 University Square) AHSS Student Social Space |
27 University Square basement (via 27 University Square) AHSS Student Social Space |
Guidance in relation to COVID-19:
Pregnancy and Coronavirus (COVID-19) information from the NHS
General Enquiries:
Should you have any queries, please send an email to University Safety Service at safety@qub.ac.uk