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QUB Law G-IPTech Seminar Series: From space to speech: is the power of Big Tech too big to regulate?

October 31, 2023
The Moot Court (MST.02.006)
12:00 - 13:30

Prof. Anna Gerbandy; Utrecht University School of Law

The presence of the services of big technology companies is ubiquitous in much of our daily lives as consumers and citizens. From a competition law angle these companies have market power. Competition law’s aim is to counter the negative effects of this market power on consumers and competition. However, the we question whether the concept of market power is still sufficient to capture the complex structure of power of large technology companies, and – if it is not – whether competition law (and the novel EU regulatory instruments, such as the DMA and DSA), is sufficient to capture and counter possible negative effects on the market and beyond (including in outer space).

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