Gender Expertise
Gender Expertise
Academics from Queen’s have many years’ experience of researching gender.

Dr Clara Fischer
Academic, School of History, Anthropology, Philosophy and Politics
Areas of Research Excellence
- Gender and nationalism
- Reproduction and sexuality in Ireland
- Affect, emotion, and embodiment
- Women and the Politics of Crisis
- Feminist-Pragmatism
- Irish feminisms

Professor Dagmar Schiek
Academic, School of Law
Areas of Research Excellence
- European Union law, comparative law and Brexit
- Equality and antidiscrimination law and policy
- Intersectionality
- Wrote legislation on overcoming women’s under-representation
- Been expert in EU Commission network for equal treatment between women and men
- +44 (0)28 9097 3400
- @DSchiek

Professor Diane Urquhart
Academic, School of History, Anthropology, Philosophy and Politics
Areas of Research Excellence
- Irish gender and women’s history in the modern period
- Gender legal history especially relating to marriage and its dissolution
- Reform movements
- Modern Irish politics
- +44 (0)28 9097 3427
- Full Profile

Professor Fionnuala Ní Aoláin
Academic, School of Law
Areas of Research Excellence
- International Law
- Human Rights Law
- Feminist Legal Theory
- Transitional Justice
- +44 (0)7722 293 115
- @NiAolainF
- Full Profile

Dr Gillian McNaull
Academic, School of Social Sciences, Education and Social Work
Areas of Research Excellence
- Criminology
- The gendered experience of imprisonment
- The political economy of imprisonment
- Criminal justice
- +44 (0)28 9097 5910
- @gillmcn01

Dr Jamie Hagen
Academic, School of History, Anthropology, Philosophy and Politics
Areas of Research Excellence
- The intersection of gender, security studies and queer theory
- LGBTQ inclusion in Women, Peace and Security practices
- Queer analysis of security studies

Dr Kathryn McNeilly
Academic, School of Law
Areas of Research Excellence
- Human rights theory and practice
- Feminist and gender scholarship
- Critical legal theory
- +44 (0)28 9097 3454
- @kmcneilly01
- Full Profile

Dr Maria Pentaraki
Academic, School of Social Sciences, Education and Social Work
Areas of Research Excellence
- Gender based violence
- LGBTQ issues
- The implications of neoliberalism for social work
- International social work
- +44 (0)28 9097 5312
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Dr Maria-Adriana Deiana
Academic, School of History, Anthropology, Philosophy and Politics
Areas of Research Excellence
- International Relations
- Conflict transformation and peacebuilding
- Feminist IR War/Peace Security Borders
- International politics, border and gender studies

Dr Ulrike M Vieten
Academic, School of Social Sciences, Education and Social Work
Areas of Research Excellence
- Critical Discourses of Cosmopolitanisms
- Far Right Populism & Gender
- Normalisation, difference and otherness
- Migration, Citizenship and the EU
- Social Inequalities and intersectionality
- Diaspora, Loss & Displacement
- +44 (0)28 9097 2528
- @UVieten
- Full Profile

Dr Yassin Brunger
Academic, School of Law
Areas of Research Excellence
- Human Rights Law
- Public International Law
- International Criminal Law
- Gender and Society
- +44 (0)7722 293 115
- @YBrunger
- Full Profile