British Council Workshop Provider: 'Education in Divided Societies'

The expertise of our Centre for Shared Education (CSE) will feature in the Education in Divided Societies conference on 29-31 March, a collaboration with the British Council Northern Ireland. CSE academics Joanne Hughes and Tony Gallagher will be joined by several international figures bringing the experience of their own settings.
The conference will run for a total of 12 hours across the three days, where workshops will see up to 25 teachers network with each other and the international contributors and take up opportunities to develop an action plan for ideas and approaches in their own school contexts.
The international speakers have been confirmed as:
Day 1: Yael Maayan, Abraham Initiatives, Israel, and Dr Edona Maloku, RIT Kosovo (American University of Kosovo).
Day 2: Shany Payes, Center for Education Technology, Israel, Prof Violeta Petroska Beshka, Ss Cyril and Methodius University, North Macedonia.
Day 3: Prof Michalinos Zembylas, Open University of Cyprus, and Nayla Hamadeh, Lebanese Association for History.
The conference is suitable for teachers in both the primary and post-primary sectors who are keen to engage with the topic of Education in Divided Societies and have an interest in developing the work within their own schools. The event is free and will be delivered on Zoom. For more information, please contact