Exclusion amid Inclusion in Divided Societies
Podgorica, Montenegro, 19-21 February 2020

Over two days, the project team of the Exclusion Amid Exclusion project has presented key findings to policymakers and stakeholders from Burundi, North Macedonia, Kosovo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Northern Ireland, and Lebanon. In the series of interactive seminar meetings, the group has explored and discussed the project’s central findings. We have particularly exchanged on opportunities available for the members of groups facing exclusion in divided societies, how they can identify and overcome barriers for participation and representation. As a result of the meeting, we have been able to jointly develop policy suggestions that can be useful to those implementing power-sharing agreements and those dealing with exclusion. In our interactions and exchange on our case-studies we have found a variety of different attempts to create inclusive policies and at this workshop we developed a catalogue of positive lessons from our fieldwork, and experience of or participants.