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Recent Publications


Barter, C., Batool, F., Charles, J., Devaney, J., Farrelly, N., Hayes, D., Kurdi, Z., Millar, A., Monks, C., Richardson Foster, H., Radford, L., Tudor Edwards, R., Winrow, E. and Stanley, N. (2024). Conducting large-scale mixed-method research on harm and abuse prevention with children under 12: Learning from a UK feasibility study, Children and Society, 38(1), 79-96.

Hayes, D. (2024). HURTing: An analysis of service user and carer referrals to a UK social work regulator, British Journal of Social Work, 54(1), 494-513.



Bunting L, Gleghorne N, Maguire A, McKenna S, O’Reilly D. (2023) Changing trends in child welfare inequalities in Northern Ireland. British Journal of Social Work. 2023;00:1–21.

Devaney, C., Christiansen, Ø., Holzer, J., MacDonald, M., Matias, M. and Salamon, E., (2023). Child, parent or family? Applying a systemic lens to the conceptualisations of Family Support in Europe. European Journal of Social Work, 26:2, 335-347,

Diver, A. (2023) Genetic Stigma in Law and Literature: Orphanhood, Adoption, and the Right to Reunion, London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Diver, A. (2023) “Peculiar Finalities”: Blurring the Borders between Abduction and Adoption?' Adoption & Culture, 11 (2) p. 167-195  Project MUSE

MacDonald, M., Wright, A.C., Taylor-Beswick, A., Gillespie, K. and Collings, S., (2023). Digital Relationality, Rights, Resilience: Conceptualising a Digital Social Ecology for Children’s Birth Family Relationships When in Care or Adopted. The British Journal of Social Work,53(1), pp.216-235.

MacDonald, M., & Gillespie, K. (2023). Interrupting a cycle of placement instability with short-term residential care: trauma-informed family-like relational practice in one specialist unit. Adoption & Fostering Journal, 47(4), 379-399.

McCafferty, P. & Garcia, E.M. (2023) Systematic Bibliographic Database Searching for an Overview of Reviews: A Practical Guide Using Children’s Participation as a Case Study, The British Journal of Social Work,

McCafferty, P. & Garcia, E.M. (2023) Children’s Participation in Child Welfare: A Systematic Review of Systematic Reviews, The British Journal of Social Work,

McFadden, P., Ross, J., MacLochlainn, J., Mallet, J., McGrory, S., Currie, D., Schröder, H., Nicholl, P., Ravalier, J. & Manthorpe, J., (2023), COVID-19 Impact on children’s social work practice and social worker well-being: a mixed methods study from Northern Ireland and Great Britain during 2020–2022. British Journal of Social Work. P1-21.

McKenna S, O’Reilly D, Maguire A. (2023) The mental health of all children in contact with social services: a population-wide record-linkage study in Northern Ireland. Epidemiol Psychiatr Sci. 32:1–10. https://doi. org/10.1017/S2045796023000276

McKenna S, O’Reilly D, Maguire A. (2023) Childhood contact with social services and risk of suicide or sudden death in young adulthood: identifying hidden risk in a population-wide cohort study. J Epidemiol Community Health. 1–7.

McKenna S, Nelson E, Maguire A. (2023) Data-driven research with historically excluded groups: Towards a model for co-production and democratisation. Int J Popul Data Sci. 8:23889.

McKenna S, O’Reilly D, Maguire A. (2023) Childhood contact with social services and self-harm and suicidal ideation in young adulthood: A population-wide cohort study in Northern Ireland. Int J Popul Data Sci.;8:23889.

Montgomery, L., MacDonald, M. and Houston, E.S., (2023). Developing and Evaluating a Social Work Assessment Model based on Co-production Methods. The British Journal of Social Work,

Stanley, N., Devaney, J., Kurdi, Z., Ozdemir, U., Barter, C., Monks, C., Tudor Edwards, R., Batool, F., Charles, J., Farrelly, N., Hayes, D., Millar, A., Thompson, T., Winrow, E. and Radford, L. (2023). What makes for effectiveness when starting early – Learning from an integrated school-based violence and abuse prevention programme for children under 12, Child Abuse and Neglect, 139, 10610.



Alfandari, R., Taylor, BJ., Baginsky, M., Campbell, J., Helm, D., Killick, C., McCafferty, P., Mullineux, J., Shears, J., Sicora, A., & Whittaker, A. (2022) Making Sense of Risk: Social Work at the Boundary between, Care and Control, Health, Risk & Society, online doi:10.1080/13698575.2022.214790.

Alfandari, R., Taylor, BJ, Enosh, G., Killick, C., McCafferty, P., Mullineux, J., Przeperski, J., Rölver, M, & Whittaker, J. (2022) Group decision-making theories for child and family social work, European Journal of Social Work,

Coulter, S., Mooney, S., MacDonald, M., Daly, L. (2022) ‘They shouldn’t have to ask’: Exploring the need for specialist mental health services for care-experienced and adopted children and their families. Adoption and Fostering, 46(2), pp. 166-183.

Diver, A. & Schwehr, B., (2022) The Significance of R(BG and Anor) v Suffolk CC (2021): Meeting ‘Eligible Need[s]’ in Social Care?, Liverpool Law Review, 43,p.539-50.

McCafferty, P. & Taylor BJ. (2022) Barriers to knowledge acquisition and utilisation in child welfare decisions: A qualitative study, 22(1), 87-108. Journal of Social Work,



Diver, A. (2021) Equity, Altruism, and the Voice of the Child in An Episode of Sparrows: Perennial Issues of Youth Justice and Child Protection, Children's Literature Association Quarterly. 46, 4, p. 357-378.

MacDonald, M. (2021) Supporting Face-to-Face Birth Family Contact after Adoption from Care: Learning for Trauma-Sensitive Practice. The British Journal of Social Work, 51(3), pp.1060-1079,

McCafferty, P., Duffy, J., and Hayes, D. (2021). Permanency decisions in child welfare: A qualitative study, British Journal of Social Work, 51(6), 2134-2154.

McCafferty, P. (2021) Children’s Participation in Child Welfare Decision Making: Recognising Dichotomies, Conceptualising Critically Informed Solutions, Child Care in Practice,

Lyttle, E., McCafferty, P., & Taylor, B. J. (2021). Experiences of Adoption Disruption: Parents’ Perspectives. Child Care in Practice, 1-20.

McCafferty, P., & McCutcheon, J. (2021). Parenting a child with autism: considering the stresses, supports and implications for social work practice. Child Care in Practice, 27(4), 389-405.

McKenna S, Donnelly M, Onyeka IN, O’Reilly D, Maguire A. (2021) Experience of child welfare services and long-term adult mental health outcomes: a scoping review. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol. 2021;56:1115–45.