Trans Equality Training for Staff and Students

Training and Trans Awareness Sessions for Students and Staff
As part of our commitment to raising student and staff awareness about Transgender Equality, we are delighted to announce details of a further information and awareness session on campus.
This follows on from a successful training session which was held on Thursday 23rd March in the Students' Union delivered by the Students' Union, the Equality and Diversity Unit and SAIL (NI). Based on University Street, SAIL NI have worked closely with the University over the last few months, offering their advice and support on a range of Trans Equality issues.
The next session will be held on Thursday 6 April 2017, 2-3pm, Club Rooms 3 & 4, Students' Union and will be delivered by SAIL (NI), a local support organisation for the families of transgender and gender variant people in Northern Ireland.
The session will cover the following topics:
- Queen's University Trans Equality Policy
- Awareness of Transgender Equality & issues generally
- Frequently Asked (and difficult!) Questions
We are keen for this session to take place in a safe learning environment where students and staff can ask a range of questions, which they may otherwise be uncomfortable asking, particularly in a work/study/training environment.
Feedback from the first session was very positive and included the following comments from participants:
- "Very informative session, leaving with a greater understanding of trans people and issues around"
- "These sessions should be mandatory in Schools and Directorates."
- "Think it should be rolled out throughout the University - encourage more people to go and participate."
- "I found this session extremely informative and very enjoyable. Simon and Ellen were excellent. It answered a lot of questions around pronouns. It raised my awareness of trans process and how it affects individuals and families."
We would also encourage staff and managers, especially those who either have had, or are currently having, contact with Transgender students/staff to come along to one of the planned sessions.
Demand for these sessions is expected to be high so you are encouraged to register at the following eventbrite link to avoid disappointment.
Please click here to register for the Transgender Awareness Training on 6 April.
If you would like further information on these sessions, please contact Stephen McCrystall at the Students' Union by emailing
Further information
- Please click here to access the University's Trans Equality Policy, Frequently Asked Questions and Guidance documents (documents appear half way down the page).