iRISE Break and Connect Social Gathering (Virtual)
March 2021

Under the current circumstances, working from home becomes the norm and we spend more and more time staring at our screen, buried in our work, while losing out on the opportunity to connect and communicate with our colleagues who could have shared the same work space with us and provided more support for each other were it not for Covid. The situation, difficult as it is, could have an even more detrimental effect on those new to a different environment, especially when faced with unfamiliar cultural norms and (academic) system.
iRISE would like to provide a platform for all, old friends and new, to enjoy a moment of break & connect with others. Whether you simply want a short period of time away from the overwhelming work at hand, want to know more people, or have questions you'd like to ask (about anything, really), you're all cordially invited to this social gathering on Thursday, 18 March 1-2pm. We're looking forward to seeing you, so join us and let's chat!
Follow up information post-gathering
- Focus Groups on Language and Terminology on Race and Ethnicity (24/03, 30/03, 14/04)
- Imagine Belfast Festival of Ideas and Politics (22-28/03)
- Language Centre course enrolment for 3rd semester (~ 15/04)
- Easter break (02-09/04)