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Medical students now all have to have formal resilience training.

But is resilience a trainable skill?

This article in the BMJ (March 14th 2019) , is by Katherine Ripullone and Kate Womersley who were among the first medical students to receive mandatory resilience training as part of their degree.

The GMC’s “Professional Behaviour and Fitness to Practise” guidance underlines the importance of emotional resilience, which it defines as an “ability to adapt and be resourceful, mindful, and effective in complex, uncertain, or stressful situations.”

This sounds impressive, but is resilience a trainable skill? Confusingly, it is also presented as an intrinsic part of any good doctor’s personality. Can you detect resilience, let alone teach it, and does increasing the resilience of individual doctors—if indeed that’s possible—really improve patient care?

If you want to read the full article, click on the link below

What we dont talk about when we talk about professionalism resilience
