Introducing QUB's new Clinical Placement Handbook!

With our first cohort of C25 students due to graduate this academic year, QUB has introduced a new Clinical Placement Handbook for GP practices. This provides an overview of what may be useful to teaching practices and is designed to complement the year-specific Tutor and Students Guides. Commenting on the new handbook, Prof Nigel Hart, QUB Associate Director for General Practice and Primary Care, stated "Over the past few years we have working steadily to increase our students' exposure to primary care such that it now represents around 25% of the curriculum. In tandem with this we have been considering how best to support our GP tutors deliver quality teaching at a time of increasing demand and pressure on service delivery. Our new handbook provides a useful reference for practices enabling them to see at a glance matters such as SUMDE payments, Induction for students, the annual quality cycle and our MyProgress platform. We will continue to refine the Handbook further as we monitor and respond to evolving practice and student need".