Update on Year 3 GP module 22-23

Would your practice consider taking Year 3 students for a half day a week either in Autumn 2022 or Spring 2023 semester or both?
This module is a new initiative aimed at getting more GP time in the curriculum. The focus is on two key concepts: understanding primary care and working with care interfaces. This new attachment will set students up for a deeper dive into GP in Year 4 next year.
The format is that a group of 6 students are attached to the practice. Each half day session is divided into two parts:
- from 9-11: two students sit in on GP surgery, two independently undertake detailed review of a patient's history (including visiting them), two prepare peer learning resources on primary care topics (can be remote)
- from 11.30-1: students (from three Practices (a GP Triad)) come together on Zoom to share their learning. GP Tutors will rotate facilitating this session within the Triad, meaning that individual tutors are freed up on two of the three weeks
- In the last three weeks of the attachment students complete workplace-based assessment and case-based learning
The new attachment comes with full training and operational support from QUB. The sessions have been scheduled tentatively for Wednesday morning but there can be flexibility on this e.g. to take students on Thurs, in the afternoon or indeed to host two groups.
You can find some FAQs here Year 3 FAQs for GP placement 22-23
If you would be interested to know more please reply to gpadmin@qub.ac.uk