Updates on Zoom/Webcams and PPE for Teaching
We are continuing to work with colleagues to find ways through the many challenges of delivering the curriculum in 20-21. We will keep you up to date as we go.

In answer to some of the questions coming forward in the last few weeks please see an extract of two messages below from colleagues in the SUMDE office.
In summary:
1. Zoom / Webcams: SUMDE will support the purchase by Practices of a Zoom licence and a Webcam and Headset. The licence to purchase is PRO. Funding of £14.39 per month was based on what Pro was priced at monthly.
2. PPE: Assurances have been given that PPE can be made available for use by medical students
In detail:
1. Practice Zoom Licence & Headset/Webcam (Message from SUMDE office)
The recent application seeking funding for Zoom licences and webcams/speaker sets for Return to Placement was approved by the Department of Health.
Re: Zoom Licences
Costs at £14.39 per month until June 2021 will be awarded for the purchase of a monthly Zoom licence. We will arrange payment via the normal BSO Payments process once we receive the GP placement allocations from the team within Centre for Medical Education. We understand that not all allocations will be made at the beginning of the year and can accommodate this phased approach, processing payments as the information becomes available.
Costs after June 2021 will fall into the next Financial Year. We will contact Centre for Medical Education in January to assess future needs.
Re: Headset/Webcam
An award of £45 per eligible practice is available to support the purchase of a suitable webcam/speaker combination set for undergraduate teaching. This will be awarded to eligible practices as described above.
2. PPE provision for use by Medical Students
The SUMDE office have said that “Primary Care colleagues in DoH have provided assurance that PPE for undergraduate students will be available through the normal procurement channels and that funding will be arranged by DoH budget holders at source.”