Would your practice be able to take medical students in 2023-24?

Feedback from students on their time in GP continues to be outstanding. The GP teams from the medical schools at Ulster University and Queen’s University continue to work together closely under an umbrella of the Northern Ireland GP Clinical Placement Alliance (NIGPCPA). Through this alliance we continue in joint advocacy for and outreach to NI General Practice, and seek alignment of processes, timelines, and communications for NI GPs. We are committed to minimise the administrative demands on your teams and to help you in your commitment to teach and train tomorrow’s doctors. For all questions, please contact us on: gpadmin@qub.ac.uk
The GP Placement Availability tool is at this link The GP Placement Availability Tool 2023-24
A short video on how to complete the tool can be watched HERE (same password as for all videos on this website)
Key points:
- A description of the role of GP for each of the QUB clinical years can be read on this website at this link Curriculum
- Select sessions and number of students for each year group
- We hope to confirm allocations at the latest by the week beginning 15th May 2023
- In those cases where offers of availability exceed the need for placements we endeavour to allocate fairly in proportion to each Practice’s offer of availability
1. Download the Excel availability tool file
2. Save the file replacing ‘Zxxxxx’ in the file name with your practice code e.g. if your practice code is Z00678 then the saved file would be: Z00678-QUB GP Tutor Availability Tool 2023-24
3. Please select as many slots as you think you could host students and please consider taking more than 1 student where you can (this is efficient for you and your teams)
4. Send the completed file back to gpadmin@qub.ac.uk
5. Please complete your availability and return by Friday 31st March 2023
Please note that, at this stage, we are using this tool to recruit for:
1. Year 1 & 2 Family Medicine (Groups of 8) (5 afternoons – Tues / Thu - Open to Practices within a 15-mile (30-minute journey) radius of Belfast)
2. Year 1 & 2 Clinical Experience & Clinical Skills
The Pandemic necessitated Covid-Secure models for Clinical Skills. We are continuing to avail of REMOTE ONLINE for Year 1 Spring and Year 2 Autumn. Year 2 Spring will be IN-PERSON FACE TO FACE.
The IN-PERSON sessions are generally open to Practices within a 15-mile (30-minute journey) radius of Belfast.
Year 1 Spring: 6 sessions (REMOTE ONLINE TEACHING – Groups of approx. 8)
Year 2 Autumn: 10 sessions (IN-PERSON FACE TO FACE TEACHING - Groups of approx. 5)
Year 2 Spring: 8 sessions (IN-PERSON FACE TO FACE TEACHING - Groups of approx. 5)
3. Year 3 General Practice (Groups of 6 students attached to a Practice for 6 Wednesday mornings per Semester)
4. Year 4 General Practice (4 x 2 weeks) – Preferably in pairs
5. Year 5 General Practice (2 attachments of 2 weeks duration for all students)
6. Year 5 GP Assistantship (1 week. This session prepares the students for their roles as F1s and in particular their role in interface )
Topic: Help with the availability tool Zoom Meeting
Time: Feb 22, 2023 01:00 PM London
Meeting ID: 897 5945 2328
Passcode: 562039