Pay your Tuition Fees

How you pay your tuition fees will depend on whether you are externally funded, self funded or internally funded.
You may be considered to be an externally funded student if you are receiving financial support from the Student Loans Company or a government funding body, being funded by a sponsor or in receipt of an educational loan.
You may be considered to be a self funded student if you are funding your own studies, getting financial help from family or friends, or are receiving financial assistance directly from an external funder.
You may be considered to be an internally funded student if you are receiving a University scholarship or funding which cover the full cost of your tuition fees and is not paid directly to you.
Find out the various ways you can pay your tuition fees, or pay a deposit towards your tuition fees, if you are externally funded or self funded:
You may be considered an externally-funded student if you are:
- receiving a tuition fee student loan
- receiving financial support from your government
- funded by an external sponsor
- receiving an educational loan
If you are receiving funds for your tuition fees directly from your sponsor to pay the University then you are considered to be a self funded student.
In the event that all or part of a student's tuition fees are not paid on their behalf by an organisation, authority or sponsor, then the student will become personally liable to pay the tuition fees to the University
Sponsors will be invoiced by 1st November and will normally have 60 days to pay. If the sponsor defaults, students will be personally liable to pay the tuition fees to the University from 31st January.
Student Loans Company (including SAAS)
Undergraduate students
Eligible NI, GB and ROI students will be able to borrow the full cost of tuition from the Government, in the form of a tuition fee loan. The tuition fee loan is not currently means-tested and is available to all eligible students.
Students can apply online for a tuition fee loan, maintenance loan and grant at the following links:
If you are an undergraduate NI, GB or ROI student, with a confirmed tuition fee loan from the Student Loans Company (SLC), which covers your full tuition fees, we will confirm this directly with the SLC.
Students from Scotland must submit their notification of tuition fee funding by email to
If you wish to be automatically assessed for the Queen’s Bursary please ensure that you agree to share your financial information from your student finance application with the University.
Postgraduate students
Students normally resident in Northern Ireland can apply online for a tuition fee loan at Student Finance NI. Your tuition fee loan will be paid directly to the University on your behalf.
Students normally resident in Scotland can apply online for a tuition fee loan at Student Finance Scotland. Your tuition fee loan will be paid directly to the University on your behalf.
Students normally resident in England and Wales can apply online for a tuition fee loan at Students resident in England and Wales. Your tuition fee loan is paid directly to you. Therefore students funding their Masters with this loan, must pay a minimum 33% deposit payment at enrolment, followed by equal payments at the end of January and April. These dates are line with the loan instalment payment dates.
To sign up to this arrangement students should download and complete a Payment Plan application form and return this to
- NHS Bursaries
In Northern Ireland, the Department of Health (DoH) provides bursaries for eligible medical and dental students. These bursaries are available for the fifth and later years of study in the UK.
If you are a medical student and you expect your fees to be paid by the NHS Bursary Scheme you have to first apply for a bursary with the NHS directly. Applications must be made within six months of the start of the academic year.
If you require further assistance, please contact the NHS student helpline on 0300 330 1345 or visit the NHS website: NHS Bursaries
Please note that failure to apply on time could result in you becoming personally liable for your fees.
- External Sponsor
Sponsored students should inform the University that they are being sponsored during Enrolment and Registration (E&R) when coming through the E&R Portal. On the Portal there is an opportunity to select the option 'My fees will be paid by an External Sponsor' on the Payment Summary screen and on the subsequent screen to complete the sponsor details and upload a Sponsor Authorisation Form.
If your sponsor has already provided you with a letter this must contain the following information below.
- Student name and student number
- Sponsor contact name
- Address to which invoices should be sent by the University
- Contact Telephone Number
- Contact Email Address
- Amount of Sponsorship
- Duration of Sponsorship
Sponsor letters or Sponsor Authorisation Forms not uploaded in the E&R Portal can be emailed to
An invoice will normally be issued to sponsors in November each year. Payment is due 30 days from the date of invoice.
The tuition fee liability will revert to the student if fees remain outstanding after the due date. Suspensions will be applied to student accounts should these fees continue to remain outstanding.
If you have any further queries please contact
- Educational Loan
If you are a student with an educational loan from the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man, Canada, Latin America or India you will have to send proof of your funding.
This also applies if you are a student with a Career Development Loan or any private Educational Loan. Proof of funding should be emailed to
If you are a student from the US please refer to US loans.
You may be considered to be a self funded student if you are:
- funding your own studies
- getting financial help from family or friends
- receiving financial assistance directly from an external funder (excluding educational loans from a government agency)
Pay Online via QSIS
You can pay your tuition fees now through your Qsis account via the Flywire Portal.
Flywire allows you to:
- Pay by bank transfer, credit and debit card and e-wallet solutions including Alipay & Paypal
- Pay in over 150 currencies
- Save money on bank fees and exchange
- Pay from any country and any bank
- Pay by bank transfer, credit and debit card and e-wallet solutions including Alipay & Paypal
- Track your payment online 24/7
- Receive email and text updates regarding your payment status
- 24/7 dedicated multilingual customer support
- Flywire Payment Plans
Payment Plans dates detailed below are for 2024-25
Two Payment Plans are available through our Payment Platform provider Flywire when completing financial registration.
You must have paid your first instalment of your tuition fees due when completing your financial registration to be eligible to sign up to one of these Payment Plans.
Dates of the Monthly and Term Payment Plans are below. The balance of your outstanding tuition fees will then be spread equally over the payment dates of the plan selected.
Monthly Payment Plan Dates Term Payment Plan Dates At Financial Registration At Financial Registration 1 October 2024 1 October 2024 1 November 2024 1 December 2024 1 December 2024 1 February 2025 1 January 2025 1 February 2025
Students are personally responsible for ensuring their tuition fees, including any element of tuition fees payable by sponsors, are paid in accordance with clauses 14-19 of the University’s Terms and Conditions 2025. In accepting the offer of registration, a student accepts a contractual liability to pay the tuition fee for the duration of their course in accordance with these requirements.
Communications regarding Outstanding Tuition Fees
The University will email invoices and reminders by system generated communication to a student’s Queen’s University Belfast email account.
It is a student’s responsibility to log into their QUB email account and action these communications. Failure to check this email address is not an acceptable reason for late or non-payment of tuition fees due.
Communications relating to outstanding tuition fees due, will be sent from 1st October. Further communications will be sent weekly thereafter for non-payment which will escalate in nature, outlining the University's debt management procedure and the sanctions imposed for non-payment of tuition fees by a communicated date.
Externally Funded Students
Sponsors will be invoiced by 1st November and have 60 days to pay your tuition fees.
In the event that all or part of your tuition fees are not paid on your behalf by your sponsor you will personally be liable to pay the tuition fees to the University
Student / Educational Loan
If you are paying your fees via the SLC, SAAS or another student loan body you must ensure that you have completed your application with this funding body and that your application has been approved. Where this is not approved, you will be deemed to be paying your own fees. Full payment of tuition fees will be due by 10th October 2024.
Failure to pay tuition fees, or make appropriate arrangements to pay outstanding tuition fees, by the payment deadline notified will lead to the following sanctions being applied.
Communications will be sent monthly commencing in October and on the first of each month thereafter. These communications will be sent to the student’s QUB email account.
Further communications and text messages will be sent over a 28-day period requesting tuition fees are paid in full or student signs up to an approved payment plan to pay outstanding tuition fees to avoid sanctions to being imposed.
Sanctions will be imposed 28-days after the initial notification where tuition fees remain outstanding.Dates of communications and dates restrictions will be applied are outlined below
Communication Date that you owe fees Sanction Date
IT RestrictionSanction Date
Withdrawal1st October (+ 3 working days) 28th October (+ 3 working days) Mid-late November 4th November (+ 3 working days) 2nd December (+ 3 working days) Mid to late January 5th January (+ 3 working days) 4th February (+ 3 working days) Mid to late February 3rd February (+ 3 working days) 4th March (+ 3 working days) Mid to late March What Sanctions will be applied
IT Restrictions
• University will restrict your access to Canvas, the University’s virtual learning environment (VLE) and Library facilities.
• The sanction will remain in place until such time that a suitable arrangement to pay tuition fees is in place and/or the outstanding account balance is settled in full.
When outstanding tuition fees have been paid in full, or suitable arrangement put in place to pay them, it will take up to 24 hours for your restriction to be lifted.
For restrictions applied from February onwards, tuition fees must be paid in full to have these restrictions liftedWithdrawal
Students who are subject to an IT Restriction and who still have outstanding tuition fees due after 7 days will be sent a notification of pending withdrawn from the University.
Suitable arrangements to pay tuition fees must be put in place and/or the outstanding balance settled in full to avoid withdrawal.
Students will be withdrawn after 14 days of this communicationAdditional Sanctions for Non-Payment of Tuition Fees for International Students
- In addition to the above sanctions which will apply to all students, if you hold an UK Visa and Immigration (UKVI Student visa, are sponsored by the University and your student account is restricted for reasons of debt, this may result in non-engagement with your programme of study and an inability to meet the terms of your visa sponsorship.
- Consequently, you will be withdrawn from your course for non-engagement, resulting in the University having to notify UKVI that sponsorship of your Student visa has been withdrawn. UKVI would then begin the process of curtailing your Student visa and ultimately, you will need to leave the UK.
Further Sanctions for all Students
Registration Sanction
- Students with outstanding tuition fees shall not be permitted to register in the next academic year.
Graduation Restriction
- Students with outstanding tuition fees shall not be permitted to register for graduation or attend their graduation ceremony. The University will withhold a degree certificate or transcript from any student who is in debt for unpaid tuition fees. e quality of teaching is dependent on funding and the University must therefore act to recover all outstanding debts.
You can access Qsis by clicking here to make an immediate payment.
Click on the 'My Student Finance' icon and then click on the Account Activity tab. The 'Print Term Statement' option is available for each academic year that there is activity on your student account. If you need to sign up to a payment plan to pay your outstanding fees in instalments, click on the Payment Plans tab to see the options for payment that are available to you.
If you have any queries with the amount outstanding, please visit Service Requests | My Queen's | Queen's University Belfast ( and log a request in the Fees and Finance menu.
We strongly encourage you to engage with the University and make appropriate arrangements to pay your tuition fees to avoid sanctions for non-payment.
You can also contact the Student Finance Office @
Students who are experiencing unforeseen financial difficulties which are supported by exceptional circumstances may contact SU Advice at
Please note that financial problems are not deemed exceptional circumstances. The University will be sympathetic and assist where it can, however, the quality of teaching is dependent on funding and the University must therefore act to recover all outstanding debts.
Financial Registration
Please read the Financial Registration guide to assist you completing your financial registration