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Memorandum of Understanding

A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) or a 'letter of intent' can be used to initiate a relationship with an identified partner. A new online process has been approved for use including consideration of due diligence and risks. The link is available from 

Requests for signature should be endorsed by the Faculty, in the first instance, for consideration by the Chair of the Education Committee (Quality and Standards) or Faculty Pro-Vice-Chancellor for approval to sign following completion of the online process.

Requests via the online process require inclusion of background information on the partner (e.g. its standing/ranking) and rationale for the link, including details of any developments planned or under discussion. The extent of any previous dealings between University and the proposed partner should also be highlighted where possible within the online form.

Schools and Faculties should liaise with Global Student Recruitment on the suitability of the proposed international partner and for supporting details which can be included in the request.

Online requests are automatically shared with the Partnerships Team in Academic Affairs for processing where these are flagged as principally relating to the development of educational links; those regarding research are signposted to the Research and Enterprise Directorate within the online process.

The authorised signatory for a MOU or letter of intent is the Vice-Chancellor or an Institutional Pro-Vice-Chancellor or Faculty Pro-Vice-Chancellor depending on the outcome of the online process. These are not legally binding documents. Please liaise with Academic Affairs ( or the International Team within the Research and Enterprise Directorate ( should any proposed amendments to the template be required or if the partner proposes an alternative template for signature.