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Validation in respect of collaborative provision describes the process whereby the University judges that a programme developed and delivered by, or with, another institution or organisation is of an appropriate quality and standard to lead to a Queen’s award (single or joint/dual).  A validated programme should normally be in a subject which is offered by the University. Such arrangements include Access Programmes, Foundation Degrees and programmes developed and delivered through INTO-Queen’s.

Franchising is the process whereby the University agrees to authorise the provision of the whole or part of one or more of its own approved programmes by a collaborative organisation.  In doing so, the University retains overall and direct responsibility for the programme’s content, delivery, assessment, and quality assurance arrangements.

Serial franchising, where the University enters into a collaborative agreement with a partner organisation which, in turn, uses that arrangement as a basis for establishing collaborations of its own with third parties, using the University’s award is not permitted.

Related to franchising are arrangements involving the delivery of University programmes off-campus, at an external location, by members of University staff. Such arrangements are referred to as Flying (or fly-in) Faculty and are delivered off-site, in their entirety or in part through, for example, a blended learning approach.  The students receive a Queen’s award on successful completion.

A Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) setting out the regulatory framework and respective responsibilities for the management and operation of a validated or franchised programme of study is required prior to the commencement of any new arrangement in which the University is involved.  The authorised signatory is the Vice-Chancellor or Institutional Pro-Vice Chancellor.

The initial point of contact for advice for validated and franchised programmes is the Educational Partnerships Team in Academic Affairs.

Approval Procedures

Monitoring Procedures

Amendments to Programmes

Periodic Review Procedures

