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Open Data Funder Mandates Toolkit

Open Research Toolkit

Open Research is the practice of making both the process and the outputs of research transparent and freely accessible, whenever possible. There are a number of benefits to open research including increased visibility, higher citation rates and greater opportunities for collaboration. Increasingly, funders are introducing policies and mandates concerning public access to the research they fund.

The information below summarizes the current position of key QUB funders on Open Research, linking to the relevant funder policies when possible. The Open Research team will do their utmost to ensure the accuracy of the information provided but it remains the responsibility of individual researchers to be aware of, and abide by, the terms and conditions of their research grants. Please note that policies, as well as potential sanctions for non-compliance, might evolve. The most up-to-date policies can be found on funders’ websites.

If your funder is not listed on the table below, further guidance as to Research Funders’ Open Access policies can be found on the Sherpa Juliet database. If you are not sure about the policy of your funder (or whether your funder has a specific research data policy), please contact your research funder directly.


Please note that the UKRI Common Principles on Research Data also require the inclusion of a Data Access Statement

  • UKRI Overview (Applies to all seven Research Councils. Innovate UK and Research England)
    Open Data Archiving Requirement
    Types of Data
    Special Conditions
    When to archive
    Where to archive
    Policy Links
    Data Access Statement
    UKRI Overview


    (Applies to all seven Research Councils, Innovate UK & Research England)


    Research Data,

    Specimens and Samples,

    Program Code,


    Numerical Scores,

    Textual Records,





    UKRI Common principles on research data:

    Publicly funded research data are a public good & produced in the public interest. They should be made openly available with as few restrictions as possible in a timely and responsible manner.

    Data management plans & policies should align with wider best practice and standards.

    Metadata should be recorded and made available and discoverable to other researchers. Published results should always include information about how to access the supporting data.

    Researchers must comply with all legal, ethical, disciplinary and commercial requirements for the release of research data.

    Researchers may be entitled to a limited period of privileged use of the data they have collected and analyse in order to publish the results of their research. The length of time will vary according to discipline and Research Council funder.

    The intellectual contributions of researchers who generate, preserve, and share key research datasets should be recognised and acknowledged and terms and conditions under which the data was accessed should be followed.

    All costs associated with research data management are eligible under UKRI funding. (Certain conditions apply)




    Not Specified

    Not Specified

    UKRI  Open Access Policy


    UKRI: Publishing your research findings


  • UKRI: Research Council Specific Requirements
    Open Data Archiving Requirement
    Special Conditions
    When to Archive
    Where to Archive
    Policy Links
    Data Access Statement


    Data Management Plans required in grant applications.


    Not Specified

    Not Specified


    Archaeology Data Service (ADS) (Optional Named Repository)



    AHRC research funding guide




    Effective for all new projects from 25 April 2007

    Data needs to be stored in a data repository for minimum of 10 years

    Data Management Plans are compulsory in all grant applications.

    Data sharing activities to be recorded in ResearchFish

    Sanctions for non-compliance

    Not Specified


    Expected that timely release would be no later than release through publication and in-line with established best practice.

    Where best practice does not exist, release within three years of generation of the dataset is suggested

    Not specified


    BBSRC data sharing policy




    Data needs to be stored for at least ten years or for ten years from the last request for access.

    Persistent Identifier must be provided for datasets.

    Research data should be accompanied by metadata.

    Exemptions exist – see policy for details

    All data supporting research publications should be accessible online no later than the publication itself


    All data for which there is no intention to publish should be made accessible online with permanent links, such as DOIs, and with a relevant description no later than 1 year after the date of generation (if this date is clear) or 1 year after the end of the EPSRC grant (if the date of generation is not clear

    Not specified, but should be in a repository guaranteeing safe storage


    EPSRC Policy






    Data Management Plans are compulsory in all grant applications.

    Persistent Identifier must be provided for datasets.


    Within three months of the end of the award

    All data from ESRC funded projects must be deposited in the UK Data Service or a responsible data repository.



    ESRC research data policy




    UKRI: Innovate UK



    Not Specified

    Not Specified






    Not Specified, but in a timely and responsible manner

    Not Specified


    MRC Data Sharing Policy


    MRC principles & guidelines for good research practice




    All NERC proposals should include an outline data management plan, with a full plan produced post-award in collaboration with the appropriate NERC data centre.


    Within 2 years from the end of data collection.

    NERC data centre


    NERC Data Policy




    Data management plan mandatory for most STFC schemes (except public engagement)

    STFC expects that data resulting from the research it funds should be made openly available after any proprietary period. Data management plans should include an outline of how this will be achieved. Any reasons for not eventually sharing data should be explained (for example, legislative, ethical, commercial, privacy and security issues).

    Research data should be retained for at least ten years from the completion of the project.

    "For data that by their nature cannot be re-measured (e.g. earth observations), effort should be made to retain them ‘in perpetuity’"


    Research data supporting publications should be made available within 6 months of the publication date.

    Institutional Repository or Subject Specific Repository


    STFC Scientific Data Policy



  • Cancer Research UK
    Open Data Archiving Requirement
    Types of Data
    Special Conditions
    When to Archive
    Where to Archive
    Policy Links
    Data Access Statement
    Required Research Data
    Associated Metadata
    Unspecified Data
    • Data may be sent securely to requestor without being placed in a repository.
    • Appropriate repositories may include institutional website, data archive facilities, or a data enclave.
    • Data must be available for sharing for a minimum of 5 years after end of research grant.
    • CRUK requires most PIs to submit information on the outputs, outcomes and impacts arising from their CRUK funding to CRUK on an annual basis via the Researchfish system, for the duration of the award and a minimum of three years post funding
    Data is to be released no later than the acceptance for the publication of the main findings of the final dataset Appropriate repositories may include institutional website, data archive facilities, or a data enclave. CRUK Data sharing and management policy Required
  • Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs
    Open Data Archiving Requirement
    Types of Data
    Special Conditions
    When to Archive
    Where to Archive
    Policy Links
    Data Access Statement
    Not mentioned or has no policy           Not mentioned or has no policy
  • EC: Horizon 2020; European Institute of Innovation and Technology
    Open Data Archiving Requirement
    Types of Data
    Special Conditions
    When to Archive
    Where to Archive
    Policy Links
    Data Access Statement

    Program code

    Unspecified Data

      At the earliest opportunity Any appropriate repository  Data Management Guidelines Encouraged
  • Health and Social Care (Northern Ireland) Research and Development
    Open Data Archiving Requirement
    Types of Data
    Special Conditions
    When to Archive
    Where to Archive
    Policy Links
    Data Access Statement
    Encouraged Research Data

    HSC R&D Division requires research to be conducted in accordance with the highest standards of research integrity and research methodology.

    Award holders must promote transparency in research. Where appropriate this should include: registration, publication, dissemination, access to data, access to tissue and informing research participants of study results.

    HSC R&D Division attaches importance to the sharing of research data generated with the assistance of an Award. Research data generated through participation of patients and the public should be made available to investigators beyond the original research team so that it can be put to maximum use by the research community and, whenever possible, translated to deliver patient benefit, advance medical knowledge and provide better value for money from health research.

    Not Specified Not Specified

    UK Policy Framework for Health and Social Care Research

    HSCNI Awards: Terms & Conditions

  • Higher Education Authority, ROI
    Open Data Archiving Requirement
    Types of Data
    Special Conditions
    When to Archive
    Where to Archive
    Policy Links
    Data Access Statement
    Required Research Data Data must be linked to the associated publication. European and National data protection rules must be followed Within a reasonable time after completion of the work Any appropriate repository  Irish Research Council Policy Required
  • Invest NI
    Open Data Archiving Requirement
    Types of Data
    Special Conditions
    When to Archive
    Where to Archive
    Policy Links
    Data Access Statement
    Encouraged           Not mentioned or has no policy
  • Leverhulme Trust
    Open Data Archiving Requirement
    Types of Data
    Special Conditions
    When to Archive
    Where to Archive
    Policy Links
    Data Access Statement
    Not mentioned or has no policy           Not mentioned or has no policy
  • National Institutes of Health
    Open Data Archiving Requirement
    Types of Data
    Special Conditions
    When to Archive
    Where to Archive
    Policy Links
    Data Access Statement
    Required Research Data
    Supporting Documentation
    Applies to applications seeking $500,000 plus in direct costs within any year of the project period. Include a data sharing plan within application. Sharing of data no later than publication of final results. Immediately after publication of results Any appropriate repository  NIH Data Sharing Policy Required
  • National Institute for Health and Care Research
    Open Data Archiving Requirement
    Types of Data
    Special Conditions
    When to Archive
    Where to Archive
    Policy Links
    Data Access Statement
    Encouraged Research Data   Not specified Any appropriate repository  NIHR Research Data Sharing Policy Encouraged
  • Northern Ireland Chest, Heart and Stroke
    Open Data Archiving Requirement
    Types of Data
    Special Conditions
    When to Archive
    Where to Archive
    Policy Links
    Data Access Statement
    Required Research Data     Any appropriate repository    Encouraged
  • Northern Ireland Department for the Economy
    Open Data Archiving Requirement
    Types of Data
    Special Conditions
    When to Archive
    Where to Archive
    Policy Links
    Data Access Statement
    Encouraged   “To ensure that the research has maximum impact both within the Department and beyond, we will ensure our research gets disseminated to as wide an audience as possible. In line with our current approach, we will seek to publish research findings, to share the benefits with others and contribute to public debate"     10 x Economy Research Programme Encouraged
  • Public Health Agency
    Open Data Archiving Requirement
    Types of Data
    Special Conditions
    When to Archive
    Where to Archive
    Policy Links
    Data Access Statement

    HSC R&D Division requires research to be conducted in accordance with the highest standards of research integrity and research methodology.

    Award holders must promote transparency in research. Where appropriate this should include: registration, publication, dissemination, access to data, access to tissue and informing research participants of study results.

    HSC R&D Division attaches importance to the sharing of research data generated with the assistance of an Award. Research data generated through participation of patients and the public should be made available to investigators beyond the original research team so that it can be put to maximum use by the research community and, whenever possible, translated to deliver patient benefit, advance medical knowledge and provide better value for money from health research.

        HSCNI Awards: Terms & Conditions Encouraged
  • Royal Academy of Engineering
    Open Data Archiving Requirement
    Types of Data
    Special Conditions
    When to Archive
    Where to Archive
    Policy Links
    Data Access Statement
    Encouraged         Royal Academy of Engineering Open Access Position Statement Encouraged
  • Royal Society
    Open Data Archiving Requirement
    Types of Data
    Special Conditions
    When to Archive
    Where to Archive
    Policy Links
    Data Access Statement
    Required   Host organisation and Award Holder should use best practise to share data, Shared data should be accessible, assessable, useable and traceable     Royal Society Conditions of Award Required
  • Wellcome Trust
    Open Data Archiving Requirement
    Types of Data
    Special Conditions
    When to Archive
    Where to Archive
    Policy Links
    Data Access Statement
    Required Research Data, software and materials "As a minimum, the data underpinning research papers should be made available to other researchers at the time of publication, as well as any original software that is required to view datasets or to replicate analyses. Where research data relates to public health emergencies, researchers must share quality-assured interim and final data as rapidly and widely as possible, and in advance of journal publication."   Shared outputs should be discoverable, use recognised community repositories where these exist and use persistent identifiers wherever possible Immediately after publication of results Recognised community respository  Data, software and materials management and sharing policy Required