Open Research Roadmap
"As open as possible and as closed as necessary"
The Open Research Roadmap emerged from a self-assessment undertaken by the Open Research Group on QUB's readiness for Open Research, based on the 37 criteria set out in the LERU Open Science Roadmap
Open Research Roadmap-
Open Research Group: Membership
Composition Current Members Chair University Librarian and Assistant Director, Information Services Mrs J O'Neill Head of Digital, Content and Research Services Mr Dan Holden Head of Research Governance, Ethics, and Integrity Ms L Dunlop Head of Special Collections and Archives Mrs D Wildy Information Compliance Manager Ms S McDonald Research Information and Insights Manager Ms K Storey Research Quality Manager Ms N Murray Head of Research Strategy & Engagement Mr C Browne School of Arts, English and Languages Professor M McCusker School of Maths and Physics Professor D Jess School of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences Professor AJ McKnight School of Psychology Dr J Dessing Senior Systems Analyst Dr V Purnell In attendance - Research Information Assistant, Mr P Hamill
- Open Research Librarian, Ms R Clarke
- Open Research Librarian, Mr S Gorman
- Open Research Librarian, Ms D Pike
- Research Data Librarian, Dr M O'Connor
Relevant University Officers as required
Serviced by Open Research Office (Library Services) Reports to: Research and Innovation Committee
Education Committee (Quality and Standards) as required
Receives reports from: University Committee and Working Groups as required - Open Research Group: Remit
The Open Research Group is responsible for:
- Oversight of the implementation of the University’s policies relating to Open Research, including Open Access, Research Data Management, E-theses, Digital Preservation and Digital Scholarship.
- Advising and, where appropriate, making recommendations to the Research and Innovation Committee or other University bodies on strategic and policy issues; ensuring compliance with external mandates; overview of best practice.
- Reviewing and proposing changes to existing University policies, when required, to facilitate open research practices at the University.
- Promoting open research as part of the University’s Research Culture Action Plan to ensure the transparency, reproducibility, and open availability of scholarly knowledge.
- Identifying and responding accordingly to future developments that may impact Open Research practices within the University; ensuring that requirements of forthcoming reporting or statutory obligations are met.
- Supporting the training and advocacy programmes planned and delivered by Academic Services and Research and Enterprise.
- Advising on management of the UKRI Block Grant and other OA funding.
- Reviewing developing requirements around the CRIS and institutional repository and advocating for development of Pure to meet those requirements.