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Clearing project team shortlisted for QUB Staff Excellence Awards

Following the successful launch of a fully online service for Clearing and Admissions Support enquiries in August 2023, the Clearing Project Team has been shortlisted for the forthcoming Staff Excellence Awards.

Illustration outline of a person holding a trophy above the text 'Staff Excellence Awards'

Led by Michelle McGaughey (Digital Transformation Architect), the team included members of the Digital Transformation Team along with colleagues in Global Marketing, Recruitment and Admissions (GMRA).

Working collaboratively over several months, the team designed and developed a new solution as part of the wider Queen's Portal based on the Microsoft Power Platform. They also provided extensive training and support to staff ahead of the critical A-level Results Day and throughout the admissions period.

The team was nominated as they exemplified creativity and innovation in delivering significant process improvements and enhancing the user experience. The initiative is part of the wider Applicant Management System project which also successfully delivered a new Undergraduate Direct application portal in November 2023.

Work has now begun on redeveloping the Direct Applications Portal (DAP) for postgraduate applications, with the aim of providing a seamless experience for all applicants and helping the University to compete in the global higher education market.

The nominated team includes Michelle McGaughey, Claire Lindsay, Jessica Nelson and Kiera McGill from D&IS, along with Liam Barton, Melissa Grant, Sandra Bloomer and Cathy McEachern from GMRA. Placement student Jia Yu (Janice) See also played a key role in the project, which was supported by our business partners, Codec.
