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  • I can't login to Queen's Portal

    To login to Queen's Portal you must first register with the Portal.

    You can register in two ways:

    1. With a QUB email.
    2. With a non-QUB email.

    Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
    You will be required to log in with Multi-Factor Authentication

    If you request a code to your email via MFA and can't see it, please check your spam folder.

Account and Login Queen's Portal, Service Request
  • Why is Queen's Portal unavailable?

    Queen's Portal is typically available 24/7 but sometimes unavailable for system updates and upgrades.

    Scheduled downtimes should be communicated to all users, so please check your inbox for service information if the system is unavailable.


Service Queen's Portal availability, downtime, service, upgrade
Service service options, restricted options
Documentation and User Guides User guides, documentation