Before you start to register for your resit examinations, you must have been in contact with your School regarding the choices you wish you make.
To register, you will need to log into your Qsis account.
- Qsis
- Self Service
- Exams/Graduation tile or Student Center
On your homepage select the Exams/Graduation Tile:

On the menu on the left hand side, select the option Register for Resit Exams:

You can also Register for Resits by clicking the Register for resit exams hyperrlink on your main Student Centre page:

Once you have read the information on the following page, select your response for each exam using the drop down menu:

The Total Amount Due is updated as you make the choices. When you have finished the selection process and are happy to proceed, press the Submit button. Please note that you can only register once.

On submitting your choices, you will be asked to confirm three statements. You will not be able to proceed to the next stage until all the statements have been read and ticked.

Once all the information has been submitted, you will be directed to the first screen and given the option to Make Online Payment. If you are unable to pay by card, please make your payment by cash or cheque at the Income and Student Finance office, Level 1, One Elmwood Student Centre, in person or by phone (02890 97 2767).
* Please note that there will be no resit fees for the Academic Year 2023/24.

You will know that you have sucessfully registered for your resit as the statement 'You have now registered- further changes are no longer possible via this page', will appear above the table on the register for resits portal and you will not be able to change your responses.