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'Pathways for Sustainability' at SHIFT 2021

The SHIFT 2021 Conference organised by the University of Greenwich took place on Wednesday 13th January with the theme 'Radically reimagining Higher Education for a new era: working together for a just and sustainable future.'

The programme of the conference brought together contributions from different disciplines, institutions and organisational units to reflect on the new approaches universities are experimenting with in the areas of teaching, research and management.

Dr Amanda Slevin and Dr Colin McClure presented ‘Pathways for Sustainability’ :Differing perspectives between students & staff on sustainability education and training.

Higher Education Institutions have a vital role to ensure the next generation are equipped with the knowledge and skills to adapt to a changing global landscape and participate in meeting the Sustainable Development Goals.

In summer 2020, staff and postgraduate students developed ‘Pathways for Sustainability’ to (a) gain insights into participants’ understandings and experiences of sustainability; (b) to generate data on potential content and delivery methods for an online programme about sustainability and SDGs.

The presentation explored findings from the six focus groups with 50 staff and students, illustrating differing perspectives between staff and students on sustainability education and training.
