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Peter Doran

Dr. Peter Doran

Senior Lecturer, Environment, Sustainability and Law
School of Law

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Dr Peter Doran has a deep interest in political ecology and economy, the law of the commons, and the transition to a wellbeing economy. He has published widely, including a book on the attention economy, A political economy of attention: mindfulness, consumerism and the commons (Routledge, 2017). He works closely with two all-island entities, The Wellbeing Economy Alliance Ireland Hub and the Environmental Justice Network Ireland (EJNI). He is also a senior writer/editor and team leader with the International Institute for Sustainable Development's reporting services' The Earth Negotiations Bulletin at UN multilateral negotiations on environment and development, and has worked in parliaments in Belfast and Dublin. Currently working on a new book on a new island constitution, the rights of nature and the pluriverse.