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Sean Fearon

Sean Fearon

PhD Researcher  

School of History, Anthropology, Philosophy and Politics 

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My PhD research primarily focuses on green and post-growth political economy, particularly relating to the design and application of post-growth economic policy to ensure the local (and national) scale of economic activity can be brought within the material and ecological boundaries of the planetary system. Amidst a burgeoning literature evidencing the need to depart from economic ideas, norms, and policy agendas focused solely on undifferentiated economic growth, tangible and actionable alternative models are required that dramatically reduce the material- and carbon-intensity of economic activity, whilst enhancing and prioritising human and community wellbeing. Given this requirement, my research aims to examine and present a model(s) of post-growth political economy compatible with ecological and biophysical constraints and realities, which, crucially, also have practical application in our present era of climate emergency.