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EDI training

All GP tutors and examiners are required to have completed training on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) at least every 5 years.

QUB and UU Medical Schools along with NIMDTA have created a 40 minute training resource specific to the needs of medical educators in NI. Completing this online course will be accepted as evidence of training by all 3 organisations.

The training module launched on 21/3/24. You can access the course HERE.

Please join the EDI Community where the course is located online, to be notified of future resources as they are added.

Additional resources are available below

  1. If you have access to the Learn HSC website, please complete the Equality, Good Relations and Human Rights: Making a Difference (All Staff) learning module. You should allow approximately 30 minutes to complete this course. **AT PRESENT ONLY A SMALL NUMBER OF GPs CAN ACCESS LEARN HSC.
  2. The training manual for the above course is freely available here HSC Equality, Good Relations and Human Rights Training Manual
  3. Making Communication Accessible to all is another useful guidance document for all those working in HSC.
  4. Disability Equality Video  produced by NHSCT (lasting 15 minutes) gives an excellent perspective from service users
  5. If you are a RCGP member, you can access Allyship on RCGP eLearning This module focuses on allyship and bystander intervention in racism and racial discrimination. It offers an opportunity to think about language as well as actions that can overtly or covertly lead to exclusion of patients, colleagues and citizens. It is an action-orientated module, that moves on from describing patterns and impact of racism to offering tools to maximise recognition of  potentially harmful situation or interaction and enabling a response that could positively influence outcomes.