In addition to the key role of the University Co-ordinator in maintaining routine oversight of the University’s collaborative arrangements, the following procedures are normally implemented to monitor validated/franchised programmes.
External Examining
External Examiners for collaborative programmes of study are appointed by the University and, as for internal programmes, are required to submit annual reports, in a specified standard format, commenting on the programme and the examination process.
Annual Reporting
Collaborative programmes are subject to normal annual programme review mechanisms to ensure the academic quality and standards of validated/franchised programmes are benchmarked against and remain comparable to that of internal provision. This is undertaken through the Continuous Action for Programme Enhancement (CAPE). University Coordinators are responsible for engaging in this process and for submitting and evaluating relevant information in line with School/Faculty deadlines each year. Collaborative organisations should also be consulted as appropriate. Outcomes including risk and good practice for each collaborative programme will be reported to ECQS to provide assurances on the academic quality of the awards being delivered.
University Coordinators, in consultation with the collaborative organisation, are also required to submit an annual monitoring report to ECQS, through the Partnerships Team in Academic Affairs, on each collaborative programme so that appropriate assurances can be provided to the University on arrangements with the partner and compliance with supporting Memoranda of Agreement. Standardised templates are available and will be issued by Academic Affairs to University Coordinators for completion each year. These should be submitted to the School Education Committee for endorsement and then to the Faculty for final approval. Completed reports should be returned to Academic Affairs by the required deadline.
Feedback on outcomes arising from the annual monitoring process will be provided to Schools/Faculties for action and/or dissemination to the collaborative partner, as appropriate. Specific feedback from the CAPE will be provided separately in line with arrangements in place for that review process.
Additional Reporting/Monitoring Requirements
Additional monitoring arrangements may be implemented in respect of key University initiatives. This can involve the submission of a separate annual report for consideration by ECQS where programmes fall outside CAPE (e.g. the Annual Report for Access Programmes) or the establishment of an internal committee and/or supporting working groups comprising key University staff to ensure a high level of ongoing scrutiny. The latter is typically reserved for strategic initiatives, particularly those involving significant levels of initial or ongoing investment by the University (e.g. the INTO Queen’s Joint Venture and China Queen’s College). Such arrangements will be required to participate in CAPE for undergraduate and postgraduate taught programmes, but also provide an additional annual report to Academic Affairs focusing on the operation of the arrangement (including progression to Queen's where relevant) and MOA compliance. University Coordinators will be advised of requirements as appropriate.