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Programme Management

It is of the utmost importance to the University to ensure that all Queen’s awards are of an appropriate quality, set at the correct standard, make use of relevant and up to date teaching, learning and assessment methods, and provide learning opportunities to enable students to succeed.

Therefore, the University has procedures in place to ensure that proposals for new programmes are scrutinised closely. As part of the University’s quality assurance framework, Continuous Action for Programme Enhancement (CAPE) will be a key mechanism by which the University can assure itself of the quality, and maintain the academic standards, of its programmes. In addition, modules are reviewed each time they are taught, and Schools are reviewed on a five yearly cycle (Periodic School Review). 

New requirements brought about by the Consumer Rights Act 2015 (CRA) and the launch of the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) Advice to Higher Education Providers mean that applicants must be given clear, accurate and easily understandable material information at the correct time in order to make an informed decision when choosing a course of study or a Higher Education provider.  The University will therefore, take all appropriate steps to deliver high quality programmes and modules. This effort takes into account best practice, in accordance with the public information available via the University website and associated prospectuses. 

New Programmes for September 2026 entry: Schools are requested to note a two year lead-in as shown in the New Programme Approval flowchart. Under CMA Guidance, new programmes should not be listed in University websites or publications, or advertised in any media, until the programme has been fully approved by Education Committee (Quality and Standards).

Any changes to programmes must comply with the Queen’s quality enhancement and assurance requirements. All major modifications to taught programmes (undergraduate, postgraduate), including the taught elements of professional doctorates, must also be approved by Education Committee (Quality and Standards).

Where changes are being made to programmes, consultation with all stakeholders, and in particular students, must take place.  Schools will be asked to have major changes to programmes approved by 31 March each year (where reasonably possible) in order that those offer holders can be informed of the changes before the May UCAS reply deadline for accepting or rejecting offers. It is not normally possible to make amendments to programme specifications after this date.

The following sections cover the quality assurance procedures that will apply to:

  1. New Programme Development
  2. Major Changes to Existing Programmes
  3. New Modules Development
  4. Changes to Existing Modules including module withdrawal
  5. Withdrawal and Suspension of Programmes
  6. Study/Placement Year Abroad Supplement
  7. Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Bodies (PSRBs)

Please consult the summary of key dates to be aware of the deadlines in relation to programme management.

Procedures for the introduction of new collaborative programmes with other institutions and organisations, including proposed joint/dual awards, can be found in the Educational Partnerships Framework.

Key contact: Catherine McCorry ( or