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The Second Year Experience Survey

The University’s Second Year Experience Survey (SYE) is conducted online with telephone follow-up, normally in February to April, and has a response rate target of 50% which represents approximately 2,700 students replying each year. The results are analysed, and a report on them is considered by senior management committees where they inform the development of new policies and the monitoring of existing ones. The results are also sent to Schools and areas of academic-support which provide key student services. Note that student anonymity is preserved at all times, and no reports or analyses of results contain references to individual students or allow individual students to be identified.


Similar to the FYE, the SYE questionnaire is broadly based on the core 27 questions that make up the National Student Survey (NSS). Some additional questions are included that provide feedback on other areas of interest relating to the student experience, for example, the Careers Service, welfare provision and student perceptions of the University’s system of Personal Tutors. These optional questions are reviewed each year to ensure they are relevant to current university issues.


The SYE aims to generate results that are a valid reflection of student opinion so that they can be used effectively in shaping policy and improving the quality of academic provision and services. As always, the objective is to listen to what students are saying and to respond to this.

These results are for internal use only and should not be shared outside of the University.

If you would like more information about the Second Year Experience Survey, please contact Duncan Berryman (Careers, Employability and Skills), email: