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Open Research Group Remit

The Open Research Group is responsible for:

  1. Oversight of the implementation of the University’s policies relating to Open Research, including Open Access, Research Data Management, E-theses, Digital Preservation and Digital Scholarship.
  2. Advising and, where appropriate, making recommendations to the Research and Innovation Committee or other University bodies on strategic and policy issues; ensuring compliance with external mandates; overview of best practice.
  3. Reviewing and proposing changes to existing University policies, when required, to facilitate open research practices at the University.
  4. Promoting open research as part of the University’s Research Culture Action Plan to ensure the transparency, reproducibility, and open availability of scholarly knowledge.
  5. Identifying and responding accordingly to future developments that may impact Open Research practices within the University; ensuring that requirements of forthcoming reporting or statutory obligations are met.
  6. Supporting the training and advocacy programmes planned and delivered by Academic Services and Research and Enterprise.
  7. Advising on management of the UKRI Block Grant and other OA funding.

Reviewing developing requirements around the CRIS and institutional repository and advocating for development of Pure to meet those requirements.